After the infection of a million children in the United States … the new strain of Corona targets young children … and 14 signs that confirm their infection with the virus.


The new strain of Coronavirus has caused panic and fear around the world, especially after doctors warned that this strain of Covid-19 increased the infection of children more than other strains, and that it presents serious risks for children. , which means they are more vulnerable to infection and spread. Disease, afterwards it was considered that they were less likely to be infected with the virus previously, due to its ability to penetrate the body and cells.

And the American Academy of Pediatrics announced that more than two million children had been infected with the Corona virus since the onset of the pandemic, and that nearly 179,000 children were infected last week, and within two weeks of 10-24 February. December, there was a 22% increase in cases of Covid-19 infection. Children currently make up 12.4% of the total number of new coronavirus cases, at a rate of 2,658 cases per 100,000 children in the population.

Monitor injuries in Egypt

Dr. Muhammad Awad Taj al-Din, Advisor to the President of the Republic for Health Affairs, confirmed that large numbers of children and young people had been infected with the second wave of the Coronavirus, thus emphasizing the need to adhere to the measures As a precaution, use masks and sterilize continuously, and protect children well, to avoid contagion with Covid. -19.

Some believed early in the epidemic outbreak that children were less likely to be infected with the virus, and theories were developed about it at the time, but Dr. Ahmed Al-Blaidi, a professor of pediatrics at Cairo University, confirms that children were infected in the first wave of the virus and in the second, but in greater numbers.

Al-Bilidi affirms that Egypt is no exception in the world. Coronavirus infections in Egypt are at the level of adults and children, and although children have less severe symptoms, there are many children who are exposed to the infection and risk of death and there are children who are already dying and will die, so Families should adhere to Take precautionary measures and protect your young to avoid infection with the Corona virus, which has become more widespread.

Children’s isolation hospitals

The increase in the number of infections among children in Egypt has meant that children are treated as adults, so what applies to them becomes applicable to adults, since the Ministry of Higher Education decided to allocate special isolation hospitals to care for children and protect them from the danger of the Corona virus.

The risks of the new strain for children

So far there is no evidence that the new strain, called VUI 01/202012 -, is more deadly or causes more serious disease than others, and that it is present in the same way in other strains, but scientists have great confidence that the virus can spread easily based on the evidence. Current, and that this strain has a greater tendency to infect children, but no type of causality has been proven.

British scientists and specialists confirmed that the older version of the virus had difficulty connecting with the “ACE2” receptor systems and entering cells, and as a result, adults who had more “ACE2” enzyme in their nose and throat became in an easier target for the virus and the children were infected less, but it is easier for The new strain of the virus does, so that children may be susceptible to infection with this virus in adulthood, since the factor is the main reason for the faster spread of the new corona virus.

Causes of increased injuries among children.

Dr. Ahmed Shaheen, professor of virology, attributes the reasons for the increase in infections among children, because the virus is one of the viruses that is constantly mutating and developing, which is why the historical numbers of coronavirus cases were recorded all over the world.

It confirms that the second wave of the virus occurred with mutations and spread more in attachment and adhesion, and the strength of the virus and its speed of spread in the second wave made it more related to children, especially since they now have more receptors for the virus than the first wave, and although it is spreading rapidly, it is less lethal.

The most vulnerable groups among children

As for the groups most vulnerable to infection by the Coronavirus among children, the virology professor explains that they are children under 6 years of age, and the younger the age, the weaker the immunity, so that infections increase to this age during this period, and these children cannot make them comply with precautionary measures as Adults, in addition to their behaviors, make them more vulnerable to most viruses being transmitted by touching anything, which generates more conditions for the transmission of infection among these young people.

Symptoms of infection in children.

The symptoms of most children with hot flashes are not usually the symptoms of adults, and some may not show any symptoms at all, and although children and adults develop similar symptoms in case of exposure to Covid-19 infection , children’s symptoms are usually mild and similar to the symptoms of a cold, and most children recover within a period of one to two weeks, as confirmed by the pediatrician.

The following is the “Al-Ahram Gate”, as explained by doctors, the symptoms of the Corona virus in infants and children:

1- Fever.

2- Stuffy and runny nose.

3- Cough.

4- Sore throat.

5- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing.

6- Fatigue.

7- Headache.

8- Muscle pain.

9- Nausea or vomiting.

10- Diarrhea.

11- Little appetite.

12- Loss of sense of smell and taste.

13- Abdominal pain.

14- Eye inflammation.
