After the disaster in Genoa … the Italian league runs the risk of being suspended


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Confirmed Reports Journalist Italian that Competitions League Italian Threatened Commenting Why crisis virus Crown Newcomer, والتي Started Hit Playgrounds Calcium Once Other.

And that was club Genoa perhaps Announce in a time before Discovery 14 infection Between Their ranks With a virusCOVID-19-19 “، د Later Face it before Naples inside Competitions Round the second Since season.

وقال Club in a statement formal: “Announce club Genoa infection 14 Individuals Between لاعبي the team والمظفين With a virus Crown, وقام Club Activate everybody Measurements According Protocol Following“.

And preparing Genoa لمواجهة Turin in a Round The third Since Omar season, While We’ll meet Naples Counterpart Juventus, And not It is obvious destination The two games Even right now, Especially With submission Components Genoa ونابولي For isolation Healthy.

And according For a newspaperRun Of the It will beItalian the Cucumber Suspension Competitions Competition It remains Room Idea Through the days Few Coming.

و .ضافت The newspaper that the Union Italian لكرة The foot perhaps Drink Decision Freezing Competition لمدة Two weeks, لحين making sure Since safety Players in a everybody Clubs, And limit Since spread Virus Between Rows Difference Calcium.

Intervals The newspaper that Stop لمدة Two weeks not Shocks A lot Since Matches in a League Italian, Especially With Getting closer interval Stop International, Later Matches Round The third directly.

It is noteworthy that the Italian League was one of the first football competitions to be suspended in Europe last March, as Italy was among the regions most affected by the pandemic in the world.

The suspension period was extended from March to June, before competitions returned again with a pressurized schedule, which resulted in delaying the start of the new season as well.
