After the dialogue from “Bakri” to “Al-Masry Al-Youm” … Parliament rises up against Ali Abdel-Aal


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The statements of MP Mustafa Bakri to a program called “Politics” in “Al-Masry Al-Youm” about Dr. Ali Abdel-Aal, former President of Parliament, who did not attend Parliament sessions, caused a strong wave of attacks launched by the deputies against “Abdel-Aal”.

And during the plenary session of the Council today they demanded that the list be applied to the former president of Parliament due to his absence from the sessions.

Deputy Ashraf Rashad, leader of the parliamentary majority, said that what he called to comment on the speech of Deputy Mustafa Bakry is that he mentioned the Future of the Nation Party and from here it is necessary to respond, as well as about Dr. Ali Abdel. -Aal, and this page has been closed, and I cannot find a justification to upload it in any medium and what is the importance of raising it now, especially since we are at the beginning of a new legislative chapter.

Rashad added: I was a member of the previous legislative chapter and an eyewitness to the previous and current legislative chapters, and I know the management teams and the scene between them.

He continued: “The party did not diverge except in the national interest, referring to Deputy Bakry. In their meeting, there was a discrepancy between the party and Abdel Aal, refusing to include the names of figures from outside the room to run the scene, noting that all the deputies came with free will, and Abdel Aal did not attend the elections from scratch , presiding over the council, to control the political scene.

While the deputy Abdel Moneim demanded that the head of the Justice Party apply the list to “Abdel-Aal”, since he did not attend the sessions.

MP Mustafa Bakry revealed the scenes of the removal of Dr. Ali Abdel Aal, former President of Parliament, from the Presidency of Parliament hours before the start of the new session.

Bakri said, in his interview with the “Politics” program on “Al-Masry Al-Youm”: I visited “Abdel-Aal” twice at his home in recent days. He is a patriotic figure and defended the state and its institutions and enacted more than 850 laws. You may have different opinions with the party. The future of a country, the new stage in the parliament and the change of 80% of the faces made some believe that it was necessary to change the head of the parliament, but despite that, Abdel Aal gave a lot to the country and He endured over the course of 5 years and addressed issues that caused him problems with the Egyptian street, but he was a true statesman who defended the institutions of the state.

The deputy continued: “The political game of his presidency of the Council or not is not mine, but what I can say is that this man acted with faith, and is appreciated by the political leadership. For his objectivity and appreciation for the role of Dr. Ali Abdel-Aal.

On the secret of Abd al-Aal’s continued absence from the sessions, and if this is seen as a form of reproach, Bakri said: “Dr. Ali Abdel-Aal is present at his home for two days and is not affected for what happened .. he himself understood and said that the change in political life is something natural. But he told me, I will not be able to go to Parliament at this time ”. He added: “It is a psychological problem from a speaker of parliament to a member.”

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