After the death of a child due to “PUBG game” … Al-Azhar Fatwa repeats his warning


09:59 pm

Monday 28 September 2020

Books – Muhammad Qadus:

Following the death of a child from cardiac arrest due to playing for hours on end on the electronic game “PUBG”, the Al-Azhar International Center for Electronic Fatwa reiterated its warning against the electronic game used by many young people and children, and reposted his statement on the matter.

The Al-Azhar International Center for Electronic Fatwa closely followed what was published on social media of games that took the minds of young people in particular and many members of society, and made them live in a virtual world that isolates them from reality, and then pushes them to what has unpredictable consequence, including what has recently been released from the electronic game (pubg).

Al-Azhar Center added, through its statement, which it republished on its official Facebook page, that this game seems simple, but unfortunately it uses complex psychological methods that incite the loss of the soul through murder, and gambling. appeals to adventure seekers and arcade enthusiasts because they exploit the competition factor under the umbrella. Survival of the fittest.

The center’s media tracking section monitored news of the murders of users of this game, and Almighty God prohibited us from committing anything that threatens our lives and the safety of our bodies and the bodies of others. [النساء: 29].

As he said, “And do not kill the soul that God has forbidden if it is not with the truth” (Al-An’am 151).

Due to the gravity of the situation, and based on the pioneering role of the Al-Azhar International Center for Electronic Fatwa in guiding people towards what is good for them and warning them of what harms them, it warns of the danger of these games. and calls upon scholars, preachers, and teachers to spread public awareness of the danger of these games to the individual and society, and to emphasize the sanctity of this. The type of games, due to their dangerousness for the individual and society, and the Al-Azhar Center of Fatwa Electronics criminalizes this type of games and calls on parents and all actors in society and the competent authorities to prevent this. type of games.

Based on this role that Al-Azhar plays in all its sectors, the Center provides various advice to all groups in society that help it to strengthen its children and raise them with a normal and conscious upbringing that protects them from such dangers.

These tips are as follows:

1- Follow-up of the children permanently, 24 hours a day.

2- Monitor children’s mobile applications, and don’t leave phones in their hands for long periods.

3- To occupy the free time of the children to benefit them from the acquisition of useful science and various sports activities.

4- Highlighting the importance of time for young people.

5- The participation of children in all aspects of their lives, with advice and a good example for them.

6- Develop children’s skills, using these skills for their benefit and making use of their creativity.

7 – Permanent encouragement to young people for their positive actions, even simple, from the parents’ point of view, and giving children a space for self-realization, strengthening capacities and gaining confidence.

8- Train children to define their goals, choose the best to draw their future and promote active and realistic participation in the family and community.

9 – Choose the accompaniment that corresponds to the children and follow them up in the study through continuous communication with the teachers and the school administration.

10 – Warning of the dangers of using sharp instruments that can cause any bodily harm to a person, themselves and others, and to protect them from anything that might harm them. It was then that Fadalah bin Ubaid, may God be pleased with her, was narrated, who said: The Messenger of God, peace and prayers of God be upon her, said on the farewell pilgrimage: “Am I not telling you about the believer. On the safety of the people and their money, and the Muslim: climbing people from his tongue and his hand, and Mujahid: who worked in obedience to God, and the migrant: from the abandonment of sins and sins »Narrated by Ahmad.
