After Tamer Amin’s statement about the “maids” … the “insult of Al-Sa`ida” reaches Parliament


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The Al-Sa`idah insult crisis, carried out by journalist Tamer Amin, has moved to parliament, as the House of Representatives will witness during its next sessions beginning next Sunday, led by Foreign Minister Hanafi Al – Jabali, urgent statements and demands to summon those responsible for the media.

MP Ahmed Abdel Salam Qura quickly demanded that Tamer Amin be held accountable, stop his program at the end of the day immediately and summon Osama Heikal, Minister of State for Information, Karam Jabr, Chairman of the Supreme Media Council, and Hussein Zain, chief of the National Media Authority, and hold them responsible for what they have taken against the media that ignore the facts and history of Upper Egypt, which have established traditions and customs that have been rooted in the land for thousands of years, according to the deputy.

The deputy assured that he will make an urgent statement in the first next sessions about what happened with the media, after insulting Upper Egypt and its men and women, saying on the air: “The countryside in Upper Egypt has people who are left behind. . for your children. They work as servants. ‘

He said: It is not correct for him to give such a naked speech about the truth and the historical facts and the customs and traditions that characterize Upper Egypt that are considered quasi-sacred and that have not changed with the difference of all ages.

Qurah said: The woman in al-Sa’idi’s life is inviolable, and she is like a treasure. He lived all his life to protect her, so that the feeling of jealousy embodied in its strongest form in his wife, daughter, mother or sister, to reach even the daughters of his people. Many times we have heard this phrase describing their condition. Its origin is plain and its blood is protective ».

The deputy asked: How can the media dare to oppose Upper Egyptian families belonging to the most honorable Arab families and tribes belonging to the “Al-Ashraf” line?

The deputy indicated that the media person violated the media honor code and strayed from the objectivity that media material is supposed to be presented with, and was interested in raising and increasing the audience at the expense of the people of Upper Egypt, and deliberately insulting. Qurah asked those responsible for the media to refer the journalist to the judiciary.

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