After Safar Esperance … a tendency to overthrow the Zamalek committee and appoint a temporary council


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A responsible source within the Ministry of Youth and Sports revealed that there are intense movements within the ministry to intervene with an immediate and rapid administrative decision to correct the course of the Zamalek Club and the first soccer team, after tonight’s defeat. against Esperance’s team from Tunisia. at the International Stadium in Cairo.

Speaking to Al-Masry Al-Youm, the source said that the Egyptian state will not allow the collapse of the Zamalek club in this way, and will intervene with maximum force to the point of overthrowing several members of the tripartite committee headed by Imad Abdel Aziz. and Hisham Ibrahim.

The source stressed that those responsible for the sports system decided on the need to intervene in the change of this committee after they had not been able to correct the course.

The source said the trend may be to form a specific board of directors to manage the club, and Dr. Kamal Darwish, the former club president, may have a role in the chairmanship of the temporary council.

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