After postponing exams and studying remotely … is Egypt nearing closure?


08:53 pm

Sunday 03 January 2021

Books – Ahmed Jumaa, Muhammad Nassar and Osama Abdul Karim:

Photography – Ahmed Juma and Farid Qutb:

Demands to impose a “general closure” continue to cause controversy in Egypt with the growing number of new infections with the new Corona virus, in the second wave of the spread of the pandemic, at a time when the government emphasized the application of measures precautionary measures and the use of masks in public transport and workplaces, with the suspension of studies in schools and universities and the completion of the teaching of the distance study plan, from Saturday until the end of the first semester.

According to an official source from the Ministry of Health, the recommendations issued by the ministry did not so far include imposing a “partial or total” closure.

The source told “Masrawy” that “the government and private hospital system is still capable of treating cases of virus infection until now, and therefore there is no need to implement a partial or total closure now, and that this system it has not demonstrated its viability significantly during the first wave. ” The subject is studied by the Supreme Committee for the Management of the Crown Crisis in the Council of Ministers, and many state agencies participate in it, and is not limited to medical opinion only, but takes into account economic matters that represent a key part in decision making.

According to the responsible source, “the main countries were economically affected by the total closure of activities during the first wave, and could no longer bear the imposition of this closure again, especially given the experiences acquired by the health systems in the management of cases of infection from the first wave, and it was not a horror Treating those infected as is the case in the first months of the pandemic “, but considers that” the behavior of citizens and their commitment to precautionary measures is the first e important factor in limiting the spread of the virus socially. “

This is consistent with the exclusion of the Regional Director of the World Health Organization, Ahmed Al-Mandhari, to return to the option of total closure during the second wave of spread of the Corona virus, in reference to the economic repercussions that the world suffers .

Al-Manzari emphasized – in press releases – the need for all countries to adhere to the strict application of precautionary measures and work diligently to contain the virus, adding: “Global economic conditions make returning to lockdown an option. not available, and we understand that. It did a great deal to limit the spread of the virus, but it is unlikely to be shut down again. “

On the ground, the Egyptian Cabinet approved numerous measures to deal with the Corona virus, coinciding with the start of the new year and the warnings about the peak of the spread of the Corona virus during January and February.

These measures included the cancellation of all New Year celebrations and gatherings, the intensification of the Interior Ministry’s campaigns on means of transport to ensure the commitment of citizens to wear protective medical masks and the imposition of fines on violators of these instructions to maintain the safety of citizens.

The decisions included tracking the closing dates of stores, restaurants and shopping centers on the dates announced by the state and emphasizing the need to adhere to the instructions issued to address the emerging corona virus in regards to occupancy rates and prevent the supply of hookah in cafes, restaurants and cafes.

It also included the closure of event rooms and the prohibition of holding funeral pavilions, as well as bridal gatherings in closed rooms, with an emphasis on the closure of private lesson centers.

The Prime Minister stressed that the application of the new immediate fine of 50 pounds and up to 150 pounds is not negligent in case of non-compliance with the use of masks by citizens and granting those who follow the application of judicial control measures.

Madbouly ordered to reduce the number of employees in the offices of ministries, governorates and various government departments, at rates that exceeded 50% in some places, and to use a rotating attendance system.

In turn, Dr. Khaled Qassem, Deputy Minister of Local Development and official spokesman for the Ministry, said that the governorates have been instructed to continuously monitor and deal decisively with violators of the measures to confront the “Covid- 19 “.

Qassem explained to “Masrawy” that the objective of the immediate application of fines or legal measures against offenders is to achieve the element of general deterrence and the commitment of citizens to preventive measures, indicating the need for citizens to follow the instructions of health, in order to avoid exposure to contagion with the virus and preserve their lives, especially during the next period. You are witnessing the peak of Corona’s spread.

online education

How is today, yesterday, the decision of the government to suspend studies in schools and universities and complete the teaching of school curricula, starting last Saturday, until the end of the first semester of the academic year 2020/2021 in the education system remotely, to recall the suspension decision issued in mid-March.

The government decided to postpone all the exams that were to be carried out in this chapter (paper – practical – electronic) until after the end of the mid-year holidays that lasted until February 20, if conditions stabilized internally due to the spread of the Corona pandemic, applying this to all types and levels of education. Different.

The decision to suspend studies, which was issued in mid-March, and a few days after the start of the school year in schools and universities, under the leadership of President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, to suspend studies in universities and schools for a two-week period, followed by the implementation of other decisions represented in the imposition of a curfew and closure of businesses, which were issued after A few days after the study was suspended, about 10 days, after infection rates increased of the emerging corona virus.

The decision to close the schools, which came as a surprise, caused the Ministry of Education to find a way to complete the school year by providing an electronic library together with the Egyptian Knowledge Bank “EKB” to help students study.

The library includes several complete curricula for grades Kindergarten (kg) through High School in Arabic and English, and all students, parents, and teachers are available to view via the link: Click here

Dr Reda Massaad, a former head of the education sector, said the Ministry of Education has become more prepared and ready this time for the school year, noting that the spread of the Corona virus was a surprise to everyone, and the ministries were unable to cope or take alternative measures more than what was taken.

Massad added to “Masrawy” that several different educational methods have been prepared and prepared at the Ministry of Education to complete the teaching of the curricula in case the Corona pandemic continues and spreads.

Read also …

Two scenarios: What will happen to the mid-year exams after recent government decisions?
