After invalidating the signature, 6 steps to register your apartment in the real estate month


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Registering your apartment in the real estate month protects you from frauds and frauds of others. This is confirmed by the new real estate registration law, which will be implemented on March 4.

An official source from the Ministry of Justice said that the purchase of any housing unit or any property after the date of application of the new law, will require registration in the real estate month so that the buyer can enter or transfer all the facilities. in your name, such as gas, water, electricity and telephone, highlighting that initial contracts will not be recognized Contracts that have a current signature.

What are the steps to register in the real estate registry under the new law?

1- The parties to the contract go to the real estate registry, or whoever represents them, with official power of the unit object of the contract.

2- Letter of request from the real estate registry employee accompanied by the initial contract and the transfer of the property tax.

3- A new surveyor must be dispatched for the residential unit in case the property descriptions change.

4- The employee will review the submitted application and sign it for approval for publicity.

5- Drafting of the contract on blue paper inside the notarization office to authenticate the signatures of the contracting parties.

What are the fees required to register under the new real estate registration law?

1-500 pounds, including the 125-pound space fee, for the residential unit in an area of ​​100 meters.

2- 1000 pounds, including area fee of 175 pounds for the dwelling unit in an area of ​​200 meters.

3- 1500 pounds, including 225 pound area fee for the residential unit on 300 meters.

– 2000 pounds, including the area fee of 275 pounds, for a residential unit that exceeds 300 meters.

What are the advantages of registering the contract in the real estate registry?

1- Obtaining all public services such as gas, electricity and telephone.

2- Protect the housing unit from assaults or fraud.

3- Registration allows the owner of the unit to obtain a bank loan with the guarantee of the apartment.

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