After his previous attack on her by “the ocean liner” … Rania Youssef responds to Tamer Amin in her own way.


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Indirectly, the Egyptian artist Rania Youssef commented on the controversy raised by the journalist Tamer Amin after his insulting statements to the population of Upper Egypt and describing them as arriving in Cairo to work as servants.

Tamer Amin

“Rania Youssef” posted a combined photo of various Egyptian actresses, media professionals and writers of Saidi origin, and wrote through her official Facebook account: Hoda Shaarawi – Minya – Upper Egypt .. Thuraya Helmy – Minya .. Alto Egypt .. Samia Gamal – Beni Suef – Upper Egypt .. Sanaa Jamil – Minya – Upper Egypt .. Karima Mukhtar – Assiut – Upper Egypt .. Dr. Awatif Abdel Rahman – Assiut – Upper Egypt.

Famous people of Upper Egypt

“Rania” concluded by saluting the high Egyptians who honored Egypt in all fields.

It is noteworthy that journalist Tamer Amin had assaulted Rania Youssef on her suspended show when she reported on one of the shows her opinion on the veil and commented on it, saying: “Siby the fatwa for the people of the fatwa … and stay in the lining and the chauvinists ”, referring to the exposed dresses that Rania wears at art festivals and which justifies their use. Then the lining will rise.

The media, Tamer Amin, attacked artist Rania Youssef, describing her talk about the wives of the Al-Azhar sheikhs as an unnecessary “mess” on an episode of her show “The End of the Day” weeks ago, and They said, “Rania” was heavily criticized for the talk about Al-Azhar scholars and their wives and those who were veiled. His dialogue with Iraqi announcer Nizar Al-Faris, and some replied that there are wives of Al-Azhar Sheikhs who do not wear veils, and this does not concern me and I did not follow up on it.

Tamer Amin explained at the time: “My criticism of Rania is that she inserts herself into something she doesn’t know. Rania is an actress. She has no right to speak about the wives of distinguished scholars and sheikhs, and no right to speak of the men of a an institution that we all respect and respect and respect, she no longer has the right to speak of Sharia saying that the veil is not mandatory.

Amin snapped on, wondering, Since when did you sing? Keda Benhazar, and thus we have reached a stage where everyone emits fatwas even in religion, because everyone emits fatwas in their specialization. Rania Tufti in the linen and chauvinists, leave religion to the people of religion, so you can refuse.

Tamer Amin’s attack on the artist, Rania Youssef, after she said during an interview with Iraqi journalist Nizar Al-Faris that she completely rejects women who wear the veil, stressing that it is something that was inserted into the culture of the Egyptians and did not prevail. by the teachings of the Islamic religion.

The Egyptian television channel Al-Nahar announced its apology to all the people of Upper Egypt and its countryside in Lower Egypt, after the inadvertent mistake that occurred in the journalist Tamer Amin’s “Late An-Nahar” program, while talking about deal with increasing population in Egypt .. He also announced a salary deduction. One month of “Amen” directs you to a charity.

(Hoda Shaarawi – Minya – Upper Egypt) (Soraya Helmy – Minya – Upper Egypt) (Samia Gamal – Beni Suef – Upper Egypt) (Sanaa Jamil –…

Posted by Rania Youssef on Saturday February 20, 2021

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