After Al-Sisi’s ratification. 80% of the official pension increase. This is the date to disburse the five bonuses.


The text of the law is to increase the world’s variable wage pensionsHowever, for private taxes, it is added to the variable salary pension calculated in accordance with the Social Security Law promulgated by Law No. 79 of 1975 with maturity from June 2006 for the insured with respect to which the special benefits established by Laws No. 85 of 2006 and 77 of 2007, 114 of 2008, 128 of 2009, 70 of 2010, 2 of 2011, 82 of 2012, 78 of 2013, 43 of 2014, 99 of 2015) an 80% increase in the value of special assignments that have not yet been re-combined for basic salary in accordance with the law of your report or no date has been set for inclusion, up to the date of entitlement to pension.

Conditions to be entitled to the five bonuses

– The right to a pension must be in accordance with the provisions of article (18) of the aforementioned Social Security Law.

– The insured must, on the date the service ends, subscribe to the aforementioned bonds.

The following should be noted regarding the following:

A – The value of the increase is calculated based on the value of the premium, attributed to the basic insured contribution rate stipulated in the aforementioned Social Security Law, and which does not exceed the maximum contribution rate mentioned in 30/6 / 1992.

B- It must be increased without limiting the maximum limits of the pension.

C – With respect to the pensioner who returns to the field of application of the aforementioned social security law and who deserves any of the special allocations stipulated in the first paragraph of this article or an increase in the pension, deserves whatever is greater.

Accumulated pension increases are recalculated in accordance with the provisions of laws and decisions No. 55 of 2011, 110 of 2012, 81 of 2013, 433 of 2012, 704 of 2012, 190 of 2014, 29 of 2015, 60 of 2016 , 80 of 2017, 99 of 2018, 74 for the year 2019 with respect to the increase in pensions, taking into account the increase in the pension in this article, while paying the financial differences due for a maximum of five years from of the date of implementation of the provisions of this law.

The increase in pensions prescribed in this Article, and the financial differences mentioned in the previous paragraph, will be distributed to those who are entitled to the same as on 1/7/2020 in proportion to the pension paid to them. The Prime Minister will issue a decision on the rules, provisions and deadlines for the exchange.

The public treasury will assume the value of the increase stipulated in this article, provided that it enters the charges that it pays to the Social Security Fund for article (111) of the Social Security and Pensions Law promulgated by Law No. 198 of 2019.

The law to increase the variable wage pensions of the allocations for the text of the articles (1 item 6) and (35 / first and second paragraphs) of the Social Security and Pensions Law promulgated by Law No. 148 of 2019 replaced the following two texts:

– Inflation rate: the relative change in the general index of consumer prices at the Republic level during a year issued by the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics, which is determined in the month of April of each year, and issues rules to determine the relative change in the consumer price index at the Republic level, a decision by the president of the authority in coordination with the Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics.

When to increase pensions

– Pensions that expire on June 30 of each year increase from the beginning of July at a rate not lower than the inflation rate and not more than 15%, and the value of the pension increase does not exceed the percentage of the increase attributed to maximum salary for monthly subscription on June 30 of each year, In that

The social security fund mentioned in Article (5) of this law will assume the percentage of increase of the part of the pension to which it is linked, and the public treasury will have the rest of the value of the increase, and the increase is considered part of the pension when calculating the next increase.

The purpose of the law.

The amendment of some provisions of the Social Security and Pensions Law promulgated by Law No. 148 of 2019 aims to improve the conditions of pensioners and achieve equality between them, since it includes an additional payment that will be added to the pension variable salary for pensioners with maturity from 1/7/2006 to 80% of the value of the special allowance that did not include the basic salary up to the date of entitlement to the pension, with the payment of financial differences for a maximum of five years, and the public treasury bears the financial cost of this increase, and with the approval of this project by a law of the House of Representatives, the crisis of the pensioners ends with the disbursement of the five debts owed.
