After 3 and a half hour investigations … “the media professionals” cancel the license to practice the profession of “Tamer Amin”


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The Media Syndicate decided to cancel Tamer Amin’s permission to practice the profession, for violating the Media Letter of Honor.

The Union said in a statement Saturday night: “Following the end of the investigations today, Saturday 2/20/2021, with Tamer Amin, the presenter of the Al-Nahar channel programs, which lasted for about three hours and a half. , and the investigations ended with a proven violation of the Media Letter of Honor and the Code of Professional Conduct in the general principles of Bab Ula in its paragraphs That stipulated 1- Paragraph No. 2 on divine religions, social values, ethics and traditions of the profession, 2- Paragraph 4 emphasizing the role of the media in the protection of national unity and national cohesion, 3- Paragraph No. 6 Respecting human dignity and not offending any segment of society.

He continued: “In the chapter on duties, the aforementioned violated Paragraph No. 7, which stipulated that the privacy of private and family life of all citizens should not be violated. Consequently, the decision of Representative Dr. Tariq Saada, head of The Media Union and Senator No. (10) for the year 2021, was issued to cancel the permission to exercise the profession granted to Mr. Tamer Amin. Ibrahim Youssef Bassiouni for violating the media honor code in the articles mentioned.

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