Abdullah Rushdie stirs up controversy over Christmas again. And Endowments: We are looking


02:19 pm

Tuesday 29 December 2020

Books – Mahmoud Mustafa:

Abdullah Rushdi, a researcher for the Awqaf Ministry, raised controversy again after the video he broadcast on Monday, in which he said that Christmas is no different from other days, and that it recognizes only the Hijri year.

And in the first reaction of the Endowments Ministry to what Abdullah Rushdie relayed, a source from the Endowments Ministry revealed that the Inspection Department is currently watching the latest video of the investigator at the Cairo Directorate, and to see if it contains violations or no.

Abdullah Rushdie used to arouse controversy, at a time when the Coptic brothers were celebrating their holidays, and although he was referred for investigation more than once by the Ministry of Endowments, and was punished by preventing the rise of the pulpits and referring him to a defense investigator , but he continues with his controversial opinions.

On Monday, Abdullah Rushdie posted a video on his YouTube page, in which he said: “I do not celebrate and I do not see anything worth celebrating other than Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha.”

The source told Masrawy on Tuesday that Abdullah Rushdie is currently prevented from ascending to the platforms, and is working as an advocacy investigator at the Cairo Endowment Directorate, and if there are any violations in his latest video, Contrary to the intermediate approach adopted by the ministry, he will be punished according to regulations and laws.

The source indicated that the Ministry of Endowments will respond with full force to any attempt to provoke discord, especially among its members.

Controversial views of Abdullah Rushdie

The Ministry of Endowments referred Abdullah Rushdi, the former Imam of Sayyida Nafisa and Ali bin Abi Talib mosques in Cairo district, to the position of advocacy researcher on more than one occasion, due to his controversial views, which publishes from time to time, and the ministry confirmed that it is trying to divide the national ranks.

Opinion of Al-Azhar and Dar Al Iftaa:

Abdullah Rushdie’s controversial statements come at a time when the Egyptian Dar Al Iftaa confirmed that the Muslim celebration of the birth of Christ is a legitimate matter and not inviolable, because it is an expression of joy.

The Dar Al Iftaa stated that Muslims celebrating the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ is legitimate and is not prohibited. Because it is an expression of joy in him, just as it is a dislike for the Prophet, that the peace and prayers of God be with him and his family, who said in his truth: “I am the first of the people in Jesus Ibn Maria in this world and in the hereafter.

In his answer to the question, “Is it permissible for Muslims to celebrate with Christians and congratulate them on the New Year?” He said in response to the fatwa. Muslims believe in all the prophets and messengers of Almighty God, and they do not differ between them, and they rejoice on their birthday, and when they celebrate it they do it thanks to Almighty God. The blessing of sending them is a guide for humanity, light and mercy, because it is one of the greatest blessings of Almighty God on humanity.

And His Eminence, the Grand Imam, Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayeb, Sheikh of Al-Azhar, Pope Francis, the Vatican Pope and the masses of Christians around the world, on the occasion of the glorious Christmas celebrations, looking forward to this occasion is repeated around the world for sure, invoking the Lord, glory and majesty, to save mankind from an epidemic. Crown and to bless all with health, safety and stability.

On this occasion, the Sheikh of Al-Azhar highlighted the strength of relations between Islamic and Christian religious institutions around the world, and the continuation of the joint efforts made between the good Imam and Pope Francis, in order to strengthen the bridges of dialogue and communication between all religions and cultures, to consolidate the values ​​of peace, coexistence and human fraternity.
