Abdel Hamid Hassan: Diang deserves Real Madrid and Barcelona


Abdel Hamid Hassan, a former Al-Ahly player, said he will not forget his match when he was a player from Enppi’s ranks against Red Castle and beat him, noting that any player who wins Al-Ahly is writing the matter in his story. .

He continued, laughing during Live YallaKora on Instagram: “Al-Ahly fans will be upset with me,” before adding, “We didn’t, of course, play to guide the league to Zamalek, but we had the ambition to take second place and participate. in Africa. We were a modern club in the league and because of the pressure from the fans at the stadium we agreed to fight. ” In the match, and if you saw his events, you will find us a record of goals against 7 missed opportunities by Al-Ahly “.

Abdul Hamid Hassan referred to the incident of his transfer to Al-Ahly at the age of 35: “I was surprised by Al-Ahly, but it was a coincidence that I had the honor of joining Al-Ahly, and our Lord is one year old. age with the team and was associated with the club and its fans … I will not forget the first conference when I found José talking about the referee’s persecution before us. The Suez match, I thought it was a joke, because Al-Ahly it was linked to gaining the referee’s assistance, as some people think, but Al-Ahly does not really depend on the referees.

He continued: “In my first session, José told me that the ball is not old, but tender, and that I have to hit the field and what he says is true, and for us at Hossam Hassan, for example.”

In the comparison between José and Feiler with the current Swiss coach who approaches the formula of José’s number with the team on the winning streak, Abdul Hamid Hassan replied: “José is a personality. There may be coaches at the highest technical level than him, but the coach is the one who knows how to handle the players with him, because he is a personality and a style. ” When studying, Fyler has great art and a good personality and is what Al Ahly needs, but José will not compensate the generation that was with him, since he is a responsible generation and a coach for the value of the shirt he was wearing. “

Mido spoke, as he is called, about some of the current Al-Ahly players during Live Lackoura. He praised midfielder Alliu Dieng: “He deserves to be at Real Madrid or Barcelona, ​​also praising Al-Ahly goalkeeper Mohamed Al-Shinnawi, noting that Saleh Jumah could have been Muhammad Abu Trika represented, but:” He could not appreciate his talent and he was hurt a lot for his actions. “

And the former Al-Ahly player completed his speech by noting that Muhammad Abu Trika is better than his team player and the best player in Al-Ahly’s history: “Abu Trika is different in everything. He is a very transparent and clear and loves Al-Ahly so much that people like him so much. “
