A surprise .. Minister of Transport: The conductor of the Sohag train coming from behind did not stop despite his warning


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Transport Minister Lieutenant General Kamel al-Wazir said the Sohag train collision is a painful and catastrophic accident by all standards, and offered his apologies to the families of the injured and the victims.

The minister added, during a telephone interview with the Sada Al-Balad channel’s “On My Responsibility” program, that the Public Ministry will reveal the reason for the collision of the Sohag trains.

The Minister of Transport indicated that the train driver was not the one who caused the accident, explaining that the train that was coming from the back was warned by all mechanical and electronic means of warning and through the converted and wireless telephone to stop , but he did not respond and did not stop, and the collision occurred with the train stopped.

The Transport Minister revealed that the driver of the train coming from behind was completely wrong and did not stop despite being warned by all possible means.

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