A storm of anger on Facebook, after the election of Tawakkol Karman to the Council of Sages


Source: Arabic.Net – Osan Salem

The election of Tawakkol Karman to the “Global Oversight Board for Facebook and Instagram Content” was met with a storm of rejection and anger among the pioneers of social media in Yemen and the Arab countries because of their crime history and their support for terrorism.

Activists and politicians from Yemen and Arabic Hashtag launched themselves in English (NoTawakkolKarman #), saying that Tawakkol Karman was narrow-minded and had banned dozens of activists, who disagreed with his political views, on his profile.

The Facebook company’s decision to name Yemeni activist Kerman raised big questions, and the reason is his history and his political position, according to several critics, especially since Kerman is known for his proximity to the Brotherhood, which is ranked in various countries of the world as a “terrorist” organization.


Yemeni politician Ahmed Saeed Al-Wafi considered Kerman’s nomination as part of the Brotherhood’s international intelligence missions and the policy of empowering the group’s liberal leaders to serve on international agendas.

She explained in a post on her Facebook page that there are Yemeni women pioneers who get Kerman’s skill, activity and poise, but they are not within the scheme, which is the painful truth.

Yemeni activist Kamel Al-Khoudani also sarcastically commented that Tawakkol Karman’s election as supervisor of “Facebook” content forced him to log into his account to copy his photos and articles, as he feared his name was listed. of accounts that Kerman could report to you.

He went on to say: “Choosing Kerman is a disaster … It bans half of Yemenis and does not accept criticism or opinion and serves a specific agenda and project.”

He explained in his account on the social networking site “Twitter”: “As a Yemeni, and the fact that Tawakkol Karman does not accept the opinions of others and is not independent, I reject his presence on the Council of Sages of Facebook.”


Kamel agrees, activist Mohamed Ali Al-Baidhani, who declined to include Tawakkol Karman to oversee social media platforms, because he is partisan and non-neutral and has caused a lot of damage to his homeland, Yemen.

Many recalled Kerman’s affiliation with Qatar and Turkey, and the funds they receive to fulfill their agendas and subversive activities in the region, recalling the previous positions of Tawakkol, who supports extremist currents in the region, led by the Muslim Brotherhood to the one they belong to.

With Qatari funds, Kerman managed to form a financial empire abroad, and settled in Turkey, where the “Bilqis” channel is located alongside the “Tawakkul Kerman Foundation” and the media and human rights associations, which he uses as a cover for their actions to serve the organization of the Brotherhood.

Some considered it “the Brotherhood’s Facebook post.” Ahmed Jumah tweeted: “Karman is confident that he does not deserve this quote, as they are affiliated with the Brotherhood, and those who realize that it calls for intellectual terrorism and extremism, and this is not in line with this new mission.” .

In addition, the slogan “I reject the terrorist, Tawakkol Karman, to be among the wise men of Facebook” on Twitter, spread it, and many used it to express their discontent with the decision of “Facebook”, which they described as “strange”, and many of them threatened to remove the “Facebook” program permanently and go to “Twitter”. If this option does not retract.

Faced with the attack on her, Tawakkol Kerman was forced to respond to criticism by saying that the positions and opinions she posts on her social media pages are an expression of her own point of view, and does not express the opinion of “Facebook” and “Instagram”.

Facebook did not issue a statement commenting on this widespread debate, nor did it explain the reasons for choosing Kerman to occupy this sensitive site in a region plagued by conflict and political polarization.

In the council’s official definition, “Facebook” said its committee will discuss publishing policies on controversial issues, within its criteria.

Kerman was chosen along with 19 personalities from different countries, including Amy Palimore, a lawyer and professor at the Herzliya Interdisciplinary Center in Israel.
