A rare case … the birth of a girl with “gray” hair and different eyes in Luxor (photos)


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The city of Luxor witnessed a rare birth, as the pioneers of social networking sites “Facebook” circulated images of a newborn baby, with gray hair, in a rare phenomenon, in one of Luxor’s medical centers. .

The birth of a white-haired girl

Dr. Hamid Sayed Ahmed, supervisor of the birthing process, said that the baby was in good health and was not the only one, but was preceded by his sister, who was born with gray hair and disappeared with time, as well as his the eyes were different, one blue and the other brown.

The birth of a white-haired girl

He added that genetic factors are controlling the occurrence of such rare cases, due to the fact that his parents are relatives, which caused the appearance of graying of the scalp, explaining that this condition is called “Amberg Rose” syndrome, during which the child born with some changes and results in white hair.

The birth of a white-haired girl

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