A rare astronomical phenomenon that occurs in Egypt and the world on December 21, and will not be repeated until 2080


Dr. Ashraf Tadros, former head of the department of astronomy and professor of astronomy at the National Institute for Astronomical Research, revealed that the world is waiting for the great conjunction between the two giants Jupiter and Saturn, which reaches its climax on December 21, saying: “As they are giants of the gaseous planets of the solar system, their conjunction will illuminate the sky that will Surpass the brightest stars that night.

Tadros added today in statements: “And it so happens that this day will be the winter solstice of this year (the longest night and the shortest day of the year), and perhaps this reminds us well of the Christmas star or the Star of the Magi who led them to the birth of Bethlehem more than two thousand years ago. “.

And Tadros continued: “There is no doubt that the illumination of these two giants when they approached a distance of only 0.1 degrees (that is, 6 minutes of arc) will dazzle everyone, which is a rare astronomical event that has not been Seen in almost 800 years, the last conjunction of these two planets was twenty years ago, specifically in the year. 2000, but it was not possible to see enough since they were very close to sunrise, and the great conjunction that preceded it was in the year 1226, and this scene will not be repeated in this way until 2080 ”.

Tadros explained that the conjunction is the approximation of a celestial body to another celestial body when viewed from the earth, which is an apparent angle approach that is not real, as for the real distance between the two objects, which is very large, estimated at hundreds of millions or billions of kilometers, saying: “However, conjugations are very common. And it happens throughout the year, for example, the moon appears next to several planets or bright stars, or it frequently joins two or more planets. However, the conjunction of two bright giant planets like Jupiter and Saturn is very rare. Followers won’t need binoculars or telescopes to see the large dock. But if you look through a telescope, we can see the four great moons of Jupiter (Europa – Io – Callisto – Ganymede).

The former head of the astronomy department added: “My advice to amateur astronomers and those interested is to start following the gradual approach of the two great planets these days when looking southwest directly after sunset until about 6:30 pm Cairo time. This scene will be remarkable, starting on December 17, since Saturn will be to the left of Jupiter and until its full conjunction on December 21, when they exchange their places in the sky, for what Jupiter will be to the left of Saturn … Then they will follow their gradual separation from each other, which will be noticed from December 25 until the end of the year until their separation is clear.

The former head of the astronomy department assured that he will increase the words of astrologers about this event and what will follow in terms of expectations as a kind of signs or the like, and here it is not necessary to listen to them at all, since astrology is nothing more than a profession that depends on presumptive concepts to raise the unknown, something that is disliked in religion and is rejected by society. So don’t let anything bother you or miss out on the amazing beauty of this pairing, and let it be this great pairing that comes with the celebration of the whole world of the birth of Christ, who came into the world with the appearance of the sign of his a wonderful light came in the sky, so it was the birth star that he saw and was amazed by all. Human beings at that time … and the world still decorates the Christmas tree every year and puts the Christmas star on it, and here is the star that comes to us at the end of this year. It has a beautiful and wonderful coincidence that is worth seeing.
