A question about the Zamalek player’s death raises anger … Egypt’s Education Minister intervenes


A hypothetical question about the death of the Zamalek Ashraf bin Sharqi club player of al-Maghribi nationality as a result of his infection with the Corona virus and how to divide his inheritance, in an exam for the fourth division of the private international law subject, in Sohag University, angered fans of the Egyptian club Zamalek, after a picture of the exam was spread on social media.

For its part, Assiut University issued a statement in which it indicates that a professor from the Faculty of Law delegated to the University of Sohag prepared an exam for the fourth division of the private international law subject that includes a hypothetical question about death. of the Zamalek player Ashraf bin. Sharqi.

Dr. Tariq Al-Gammal, Rector of the University of Assiut, also confirmed that the university affirms its adherence to university rules and regulations, which stipulate the importance of preserving the seriousness and discipline of the questionnaire placed in the different faculties and refusing to using public figures or prejudging their names when setting tests for the purpose of drawing attention or causing confusion.

The administration of the University of Assiut referred this incident to investigation immediately after the arrival of an official complaint from the University of Sohag to assess the size of the violation and impose the corresponding penalty on the perpetrator.

For his part, Dr. Khaled Abdel Ghaffar, Minister of Higher Education and Higher Research, ordered that the University of Assiut law professor delegated to the University of Sohag be referred to teach a course on “private international law” for research urgently, and to suspend him from work until the investigation is completed and he is informed of the results of the investigation as soon as possible, due to the introduction of his name A professional player in an Egyptian club and his personal life in a question on the examination of private international law. , which fourth-year students took during their first semester exams for the 2020-2021 academic year at Sohag University on Tuesday.

The minister made a phone call to the player whose name was mentioned in the exam, expressing the discontent of the ministry for this individual misconduct, which does not reflect the masses of the academic and university community, affirming the recognition and full respect of the ministry. to all Egyptian sports clubs and their fans, and their pride in all the professional players in their second country, Egypt.
