A procession of royal Egyptian mummies arrives at the Museum of Civilization amid a majestic historical ceremony


The royal procession

Photo posted, Reuters

In a majestic historical setting, the procession of royal mummies departed from the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir Square, in the center of the Egyptian capital Cairo, on Saturday night, to the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Fustat, south from the capital, where the royal mummies will settle in their final resting place.

The royal procession consisting of 22 mummies (18 kings and four queens) was greeted upon arrival at the Museum of Civilization by President Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, and the honor guard fired 21 shots to salute the kings of Egypt in front to the museum.

Photo posted, Reuters

Egyptian Antiquities Minister Khaled Al-Anani said King Seknen Ra will lead the procession of kings on their final journey to the Museum of Civilization in a way that is revered. And that’s after spending 100 years in the Egyptian Museum in Tahrir.

The procession proceeded through carriages decorated with pharaonic drawings and inscriptions and fitted with a special nitrogen-containing atmosphere so that the mummies were in proper condition for transportation, and each carriage bore the king’s name inside, in the middle of a strict security guard, and the caravan provided motorcycles to the Republican Guard.
