A new virus outbreak in China, from fruit bats … and “The Guardian”: a more dangerous pandemic than “Corona”


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A special report published by the British newspaper “The Guardian” warned of the outbreak of the “Nipah” virus in China, with a death rate of 75%, and that it would cause a future global pandemic that would be more dangerous than the Crown. epidemic.

“The Nipah virus is another emerging infectious disease of great concern. The Nipah pandemic could erupt at any moment. The next global epidemic could be with drug-resistant infections,” said Jayasri Ayer, executive director of the European Access Foundation. to Medicine.

According to the report, “Nipah” can cause serious respiratory problems, as well as inflammation and swelling of the brain, and its death rate ranges between 40% and 75%, and its origin is fruit bats, as outbreaks of the disease in Bangladesh. and India have been linked to the consumption of date palm juice.

Nipah is one of the 10 infectious diseases identified by the World Health Organization as the greatest threat to public health, especially in light of the unwillingness of the world’s major pharmaceutical companies to tackle, according to Russia Today.

The “Nipah” virus is one of the infectious agents that have been discovered in recent years, as it was found in 1999 during the outbreak in Malaysia and the infection of the nervous and respiratory system of 265 people, of whom 115 died. Fruit fox bats Bats are the natural carrier of the “Nipah” virus.

This epidemic can also spread to Australia, Bangladesh, India, China, Thailand and Africa, and is transmitted from bats to animals and humans, and it can also be transmitted from person to person through saliva, and currently there are no drugs or vaccines. for this disease.

People infected with the Nipah virus suffer from fever, cough, headache, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, trouble swallowing, and blurred vision.

Approximately 60% of patients infected with the virus go into a coma, in which they need urgent help to breathe, and patients who have developed the disease suffer from severe high blood pressure, elevated heart rate and elevated body temperature.

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