“A new epidemic” and “dreadful phenomena” … the blind fortune teller predicts the events of 2021


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“Astrologers lie even if they are true” is a saying that many around the world believe, but as soon as the Bulgarian blind fortune teller known as “Baba Vanga” makes a prediction about a new year, he gets a lot of attention.

And according to Baba Vanga’s 2021 predictions published by various media reports, including the British Daily Mail, there are a number of natural disasters that the world will be looking forward to over the next year, including exposure to large waves, floods, earthquakes and storms.

Baba Vanga’s predictions revealed that a new epidemic will hit the world different from Corona, plus the current epidemic will worsen significantly, and the woman specifically said that many living organisms will be destroyed here, not only that, but those that survive will die from A serious illness.

He also hoped that life would be discovered on planets other than Earth, and it will become clear how life first appeared on Earth, and for the next 200 years, people will communicate with their godbrothers from other worlds.

Earlier, a blind fortune teller had predicted that the president of the United States of America would become infected with a mysterious disease in 2020.

The blind fortune teller, also known as Nostradamus, from the Balkans, according to the report by “The Sun”, predicted that the American president would suffer a mysterious illness that would leave him deaf and with a brain tumor, and despite his death 23 years ago, some say he had superpowers and the ability to see into the future. That’s not just what it predicts, according to the blind Balkan woman, the year 5079 will be the year the universe will end.

Vanga grew up on a farm and was blinded by a dust storm, possibly giving her a second glance and super predictable ability, according to her fans.

Immediately before his death at the age of 85, Vanga made a series of predictions for 2020, saying that the 45th president of the United States will succumb to an unknown disease at some point in the near future, and the disease will make him suffer. hearing loss, tinnitus, and trauma to the brain.

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