A new draft resolution on a global truce due to the Corona virus


A new draft resolution on a global truce due to the Corona virus


Security Council

Diplomats said Tuesday that Germany and Estonia intend to present a draft resolution to the Security Council related to a worldwide ceasefire due to the Corona pandemic.

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Washington is preventing a global truce in the Security Council to dedicate itself to fighting the Crown

The new draft would replace a similar previous draft that had been prepared by Tunisia and France and blocked by the United States.

The proposal was presented Tuesday during a video conference held behind closed doors and invited by Estonia, who occupies the rotating presidency of the Security Council.

The new draft resolution focuses on calling for a ceasefire in various conflicts around the world to allow countries at war the opportunity to tackle the coronavirus epidemic.

The United States blocked a vote last week on a resolution calling for a world ceasefire to focus on fighting the Covid-19 epidemic, hours after it accepted the text.

The US mission surprised the representatives of the other 14 members of the Security Council by declaring that “the United States cannot support the current draft.”

Diplomats said the language used in the draft resolution to describe the World Health Organization, which Washington opposes, is the reason the United States obstructs the vote.

Washington then threatened to use the veto if there was any explicit reference to the World Health Organization, while Beijing rejected the veto if the international organization was not mentioned.

The United States has launched an attack on the World Health Organization and deprived it of American money, and the Trump administration is calling for the establishment of a global health care architecture as an alternative to the current organization, which the American side accuses of not combat the spread of the emerging Corona virus epidemic.

Source: AFP + Agencies
