A microbe that passed from the lung to the blood … the cause of the death of Mahmoud Yassin


12:22 p. M.

Wednesday 14 October 2020


The artist, Amr Mahmoud Yassin, said that his father, the great artist Mahmoud Yassin, left this world after suffering from severe pneumonia this Wednesday morning at the age of 79 after a long fight against the disease.

Amr added, in exclusive statements to “Masrawy”: “May God have mercy on him. He said he went to the hospital during the last month of his life, had two pneumonia. It was in the lung moving in the blood. “

He continued: “When the microbe spread in the blood, it affected his body in general, and the state of breathing became very bad, and unfortunately the heart muscle stopped today at 6 in the morning, and they tried to help him, but they couldn’t do it, and God’s order was executed, pneumonia and his death are unrelated. In the disease that afflicted him for years. “

“The claim that his death from pneumonia could raise rumors about his infection with the Coronavirus before his death … What is your comment?” We asked Amr Mahmoud Yassin and he responded by saying, “No, he died of severe non-Corona pneumonia, and this is what is written on the death report, by the way. If you need something like that, you won’t be ashamed to say it or hide it. “

The great artist, Mahmoud Yassin, passed away today, Wednesday, at the age of 79, after a long fight against the disease.

Mahmoud Yassin was transferred to Maadi Military Hospital, which he entered after his health deteriorated about a week ago, according to his son-in-law, artist Muhammad Riyad, in a special statement to “Masrawy.”

Mahmoud Yassin was born on June 2, 1941 in Port Said, graduated in law from Ain Shams University in 1964, worked as a lawyer early in his career, then joined the National Theater, and since the 1970s has been become one of the most prominent Egyptian film stars through films The most important of them are: “The fine thread, the story of a girl named Marmar, love and pride, the bullet is still in my pocket” and others, and since the nineties and the beginning of the new millennium, his work has increased dramatically on television, and among his dramatic works “Abu Hanifa al-Nu’man, Against the current, Souk Al-Asr, Disobedience”. .

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وفاة الفنان محمود ياسين عن عمر يناهز 79 عاما