A member of the Football Association reveals the fact that Mohamed Salah was infected with “Corona” and the reason for the withdrawal of the official statement.


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A member of the five-year committee in charge of the management of the Football Association attributed the reason for the withdrawal of the official statement on the infection of Mohamed Salah by the Coronavirus, from the federation’s website, to the desire of the player to carry out a second test to make sure it was positive.

The five-member committee member, who requested anonymity, added that conducting a second test for a player does not mean that there is an error in the result of the first sample, but this came based on the wish of “Salah” and his agent. , who emphasized that the test results should have been further confirmed before the official announcement. For the news of great repercussion in Egypt and England.

He stressed that the reason for the player’s desire to increase certainty is that he does not feel any symptoms of the disease, so he requested re-analysis to be sure.

The federation agreed to Salah’s request, and the statement was deleted and replaced by a statement confirming the presence of 3 injuries between the players of Egypt and Togo, without specifying names, and a swab will be repeated through the official laboratories. of the Ministry of Health, in the next few hours.

  • The situation in Egypt

  • Injuries


  • Recovered


  • Mortality

