A maximum of £ 40 … The Minister of the Environment: Adding cleaning fees to the electricity bill (video)


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Yasmine Fouad, Minister of the Environment, said that the waste management law is the most important to regulate waste of all kinds, confirming in her statements to the “Evening DMC” program on the dmc screen, that the law came as a framework legislative that is organized between the planner, the executor and the observer. Waste by the new law.

“The law aims to attract investors to invest in the field of garbage and convert part of it into energy and develop waste,” he said, emphasizing that cleaning fees will be charged on the electricity bill, which is what happens. In all countries of the world.

The minister said that the subscription price will range from £ 2 to £ 40, and that the fees will include safe disposal of waste from collection, transport and placement at an intermediate station, and processing and recycling connections to landfills.

Noting that the Egyptian state and government began, before the law came out, to set an amount for the infrastructure that reached 10 billion to build the infrastructure for the waste system, and the fees charged to the citizen these are the rates for transportation from home, and to provide good services it was necessary to have a rate before offering it to private sector companies.

And he continued: “We have two types of service providers, and we concluded the type of contracts that are required to proceed, and the processing and recycling stations in which there is an investment either to establish the factory or establish the state for the factory but will not manage it, and we will follow up on the implementation of the private sector and companies to provide the service, and any worker will be licensed to practice a profession. With the new waste management system ”.

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