A lawyer was jailed for 4 days for violating an officer after he broke the curfew in Mansoura


The Prosecutor’s Office ordered the arrest of a lawyer in Mansoura, 4 days, as a result of investigations, for assaulting a public official, an officer, and resisting him by force and violence during the performance of his work and because of his performance. , and the victim and injuries resulted in injury to the victim and in violation of the Prime Minister’s decision to prohibit movement and movement. On all roads during the prescribed period.

And the statement from the Prosecutor’s Office released Tuesday, stated that the victim’s officer was appointed to the front of a security fence in front of the Al-Ward Island Sports Club on the lower pedestrian street in the Mansoura First Division department to make comply with the aforementioned decision to ban the transfer, and at that time, one of the officers stopped the attachment force that was driving the defendant – Hyundai Dark When asked about the driver’s licenses and driving, when the defendant presented it to him, the officer He confiscated it for violating the decision to prohibit the transfer, so the defendant got out of his car to the victim’s officer asking for the return of the licenses, and when he did not pay attention, the defendant promised to photograph those responsible for the Security accessory.Then, when asked by the victim about the reason for this, the defendant of the independence of his car rushed to escape while the victim was tied to him, and the car hit him with another parked on the side of the road, causing injuries to his face, head, stern and left thigh, and he was transferred to Al-Sallab Hospital in Mansoura to help him, and in the investigation the suspect was involved in the lawyer.

“The prosecutor heard the testimony of the victim and three members of the security forces, including the officer who stopped the defendant’s car and questioned the latter, denying what was attributed to him, due to the victim’s attempt, after the confiscation of his licenses, taking him out of his clothes and threatening to shoot his bullets and assault him with insults. ” So she escaped out of fear of him if the victim clung to his car, so the latter fell to the ground while moving the car and his injury occurred, accusing the victim of his transgression.

The Public Ministry examined the location of the incident and the car that was driving the accused, and saw a video clip of the incident taken from the discharge of one of the surveillance cameras overlooking the scene of the accident, in which a dark-colored car It passed at high speed and the victim fell to the ground next to him after colliding with one parked on the side of the road, where the Public Ministry confronted the accused. This video was presented to the victim, and they confirmed that they appeared in it.

Investigations by the Criminal Investigation Department confirmed the authenticity of the incident witnessed by the victim and witnesses, denying the latter’s assault on the accused by hitting or saying so, and the case is still under investigation, according to the statement.
