A historic moment … Margaret Kennan is the world’s first woman to receive the Corona vaccine


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Margaret Kennan, the 90-year-old British woman, received the first dose of the Corona vaccine, making her the first lady in the world to receive the Corona virus vaccine.

The United Kingdom had started a vaccination campaign against the Coronavirus in the early hours of Tuesday, which is scheduled to end in the spring of 2021.

British Health Minister Matt Hancock said 90 people received the vaccine in the first 15 minutes of the vaccination campaign.

Britain is the European country most affected by Covid-19, with 61,000 deaths, but Prime Minister Boris Johnson hopes to change the course of the current by introducing the Pfizer and Biontech vaccine to the United States or the European Union.

Britain approved the vaccine for emergency use less than a week ago and will submit it through the National Health Authority. “The launch of the vaccine is a crucial turning point in the battle against the epidemic,” said Simon Stevens, head of the National Health Authority.

Britain has ordered a total of 40 million doses of the vaccine and one will receive two doses. This number is enough to vaccinate twenty million people in the country of 67 million people.

It is expected that in the first week around 800 thousand doses will be delivered, and the priority of vaccination will be for those who receive care at home, caregivers, people over 80 years old and some workers of the health authority.

In all, Britain has requested 357 million doses of seven different COVID-19 vaccines.

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