“A friend and a false invoice” … The riddle of finding a corpse in Dakahlia: it came out of the water while a farmer was lifting the earth


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Investigations Dakahlia managed to unravel the mystery of the discovery of the body of a tuk-tuk driver in a canal in a state of severe rot, after his disappearance for 26 days, despite the fact that forensic medicine could not find a criminal suspicion or not. and his tuk-tuk disappeared, as his friend and another lured him to kill him and steal the tuk-tuk.

Major General Raafat Abdel Baath, Dakahlia Security Director, had received a notification from Major General Mustafa Kamal, Directorate Investigation Director, that the head of a second police station, Mansoura, had received a report from Ashraf Muhammad Ibrahim Muhammad Abdo ”, 51, a carpenter and resident of the“ Jadela ”district, a second department of the police department. Mansoura, in the absence of his son, named “Karim”, 20 years old as a tuk-tuk driver, on 1/6/2021 after he went to work with his tuk-tuk No. (177), Dakahlia Traffic. Chassis No. 20389 – Engine No. 48594 – Black – 2019 Model with Publisher Record No. 204 For the year 2021, a second department manager, Mansoura.

On January 30, the Mansoura Police Station was informed that people had found the body of a person in a water inlet that forks from the Nile River in control of the village of Al-Baramoun, the central circle, where the body was unloaded. while a farmer was watering the land. From his analogy that he is an unidentified person in the third decade of life in the case of general body swelling and severe and unclear rot, wearing a full suit and wearing a single shoe with the right foot only and with his left hand a digital wristwatch with a leather and the right hand a metal chain and found in his trouser pocket the amount of 100 pounds that was not found in his possession There are identification documents.

The necessary report was prepared and the Prosecutor’s Office ordered an autopsy, but the autopsy doctor decided that it was not possible to confirm the existence of injuries and determine the cause of death because the body was in a state of severe putrefaction and swelling of the body. general body and it was found that it was for the absent young man, and given the special significance of the incident after the disappearance of the tuk-tuk. That behind the incident criminal motives with the purpose of getting rid of the absentee and stealing his vehicle.

Based on the directives of the Undersecretary of the Public Security Sector to intensify efforts to uncover the ambiguity of the incident, investigating officers from the Mansoura Police Station, the Second Police Department and the Criminal Investigation Department led by the Head of the Criminal Investigation Department under the supervision of the Investigation Director and the Chief of the Public Security Section in Dakahlia.

And information was received that a person went to the company «Aptamco Ghabbour» in the industrial zone of Kerdasa, the security zone of Giza, with a special invoice for the seized motorcycle in order to verify the validity of the invoice. In his discussion, he approved the establishment of both a tuk-tuk driver and an armed carpenter, and they reside in the district of Oseem Giza. He offered him a tuk-tuk with the intention of selling it to him, but doubting the bill that was given to him. presented, refused to buy it.

After the legalization of the procedures, the investigations managed to stop them, and by arguing with them, they decided to falsify the tuk-tuk invoice for which the report was issued, which was attributed to the company “Itamco Ghabbour” and sold it. to a person for the same price, a resident of the Tamiya Police Station, Fayoum Security Department, and the investigation managed to seize the tuk-toe and it turned out that Tok Tok himself was absent.

It turned out that they obtained their tuk-tuks from others, who were identified and captured at the Kafr Saad police station in Damietta, and the second followed to the Al-Stamouni police station in Dakahlia, all of them ill-intentioned and knew that it was the proceeds of the crime of theft.

Through the investigations of the investigation team and the results of their discussion, it was possible to conclude that the perpetrators of the incident were: “Amr Raafat Al-Saeed Awad”, 28, a tuk-tuk driver and a resident of the village. from “Al-Badala”, Mansoura Center Department, and the former defendant in 4 cases of “beatings – robbery – Drugs”, and “Muhammad Salama Al-Saeed Haraz”, 29 years old, tuk-tuk driver, resident of “Jadela” District, Mansoura department second section

After the legalization of the procedures, they were able to control them and confront them with the results of the investigations, they recognized that the act had been committed and they decided that on January 6 they lured the victim with a tuk-tuk to their leadership. , claiming that they had been transported to the village of Al-Badala, the central district of Al-Mansoura, where the body was found, with the intention of killing him and seizing the tuk-tuk. Therefore, a rope was found, and the first one surprised him and smothered him with the rope. They took turns assaulting him and hitting him with a piece of stone on the head. They later dumped it down the drain it was in and went to the village of Kafr al-Ghab, the Kafr Saad-Damietta district, where they sold the tocks there. A report necessary to take legal action on the seizure will be published.

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