A decision to suspend Murtaza Mansour for 4 years … and the last: not 4 days


The committee appointed a long list of personalities that included club president Al-Ahly Mahmoud Al-Khatib, former Zamalek president Mamdouh Abbas, Zamalek vice president Hani Al-Attal, council member Abdullah George, committee president five-year soccer management Amr Al-Janayni, and the head of the main referee committee, President of the Handball Federation Hisham Nasr And the president of the International Handball Federation, Hassan Mustafa.

The committee considered that the violations of Murtaza Mansour were formed "A flagrant violation of the Egyptian and international constitution, laws and statutes, which has become reliable for the demolition of sporting values ​​and ideals and a waste of the sublime meanings that civilized nations produce from sport.".

He added that Mansour’s behavior is formed "Destruction of Egyptian youth".

For his part, Mansour responded in a statement to the channel. "Country echo" The Olympic decisions will not be implemented because the House of Representatives sent an official letter requesting not to investigate him as a member of Parliament, saying: "Any sports or non-sports institution when it does not respect the constitution, the law, the regulations or the judicial decisions, it and its owner are in the dustbin of history even if I am".

The club president, who is preparing to face Moroccan Raja Casablanca in the semi-finals of the African Champions League back and forth this October, said they want "Drop Zamalek to the ground and we have the African Championship. They say (stop me) four years and I say no four days in law".

The Olympic Committee asked the Vice President of Zamalek and the members of the Board of Directors to convene the first ordinary general assembly "It includes an item on elections for vacant positions and in particular the position of Chairman of the Board of Directors.".

And on Mansour’s parliamentary immunity, Olympic Committee member and spokesman Yasser Idris told Channel "Sports in hours" Mansour can appeal the decision within 15 days without stopping the implementation of the Olympic decision, unless there is a ruling suspending the decision. "Parliamentary immunity, whose purpose is service to the community, we are a sports body governed by the Sports Law and we have no relationship with the executive or legislative authority".


On the other hand, Mansour refused to accept the implementation of the decision armed with his parliamentary immunity, as reported this Monday “Frasen Press”.

The committee fined the controversial president of Zamalek one hundred thousand Egyptian pounds (about $ 6400) after investigating complaints made by various sports personalities, all of whom were harmed by the slander of the president of Zamalek, insulting them and insulting them and the institutions sports they represent, using the Zamalek satellite channel, which he directed. On his sporting role “.

The committee appointed a long list of personalities that included club president Al-Ahly Mahmoud Al-Khatib, former Zamalek president Mamdouh Abbas, Zamalek vice president Hani Al-Attal, council member Abdullah George, committee president five-year soccer management Amr Al-Janayni, and the head of the main referee committee, President of the Handball Federation Hisham Nasr And the president of the International Handball Federation, Hassan Mustafa.

The committee considered that the violations of Murtado Mansour constituted a “flagrant violation of the Egyptian and international constitution, laws and statutes, which has become a relay for the demolition of sports values ​​and ideals and a waste of meanings sublime that civilized nations derive from sport. “

He added that Mansour’s actions constitute “a destruction of the Egyptian youth and youth.”

For his part, Mansour responded in a statement to the channel “Echo Al Balad” that the Olympic decisions will not be implemented because the House of Representatives sent an official letter requesting not to investigate him as a member of Parliament, saying: “Any sport or other institution when not respect the constitution, the law, the regulations o Judicial decisions and those that are in them are in the dustbin of history, even if I am. “

The club president, who is preparing to face Morocco’s Raja Casablanca in the semi-finals of the African Champions League this October, back and forth, said they want to “throw Zamalek to the ground and we have the African Championship. They say ( my sanction) four years and I say not four days in the law “.

The Olympic Committee asked the vice president of Zamalek and the members of the Board of Directors to convene the first ordinary general assembly that “includes a point for the elections for vacant positions and in particular for the position of President of the Board of Directors.”

Regarding Mansour’s parliamentary immunity, the Olympic Committee member and his spokesperson, Yasser Idris, told “On Time Sports” that Mansour can appeal the decision within 15 days without stopping the implementation of the Olympic decision, unless there is a ruling that stops the decision “Parliamentary immunity, whose objective is Service to the community. We are a sports entity governed by the Sports Law, and we have no relationship with the executive or legislative authority.”
