A Belgian law firm explains Geraldo’s financial law at night


The issue of the Angolan Giraldo’s eligibility to obtain his full contract with Al-Ahly has become of great interest to those who follow the matter, as well as the possibility that he may revoke the contract after removing him from the team’s list to register the player Congolese Walter Bwalya.

Yallakora spoke to the Belgian international law firm “Crista”, specializing in sports law, which works with many prominent players, including Romelu Lukaku, the Belgian national team player and Inter Milan, to get his opinion based on what is circulating. in the media, either from the player’s agent or from Al-Ahly’s leadership. .

Wouter Jansens, co-founder of the office, said in his remarks in Leela Kora: “The sentence in any case should be based basically on the player’s contract and the documents at his disposal and the club, in order to be able to fully assess the situation and determine eligibility. of any of them, but based on the follow-up of the facts through the media of I can answer some points in general terms “.

He explained an important matter at the beginning of his review of the issue of the player’s eligibility to cancel his contract, saying: “There is a possibility that the player cancels the contract for a just reason, or that he cancels the contract for a just sports reason, And in the first case, if there is a reason, you can cancel the contract at any time during the season. As for the second case, you can cancel the contract within 15 days after the end of the season. “

He continued: “The main and important point if the player’s contract explicitly states that he is a player of the club’s first team, and this matter has its significance in determining eligibility to cancel the player’s contract for just cause, and here the player he can get the rest of his contract in full if he stipulates that it is a contract. A player with the first team, can no longer represent the team. “

He added: “The second thing that allows the player to terminate the contract for a just reason is that he does not receive his salary for a period equivalent to the value of two months, and in the first and second case, the player will have the right to terminate the contract. during the season and not wait until its completion. “

And he moved to the possibility of terminating the contract for a just sporting reason: “If the player does not play in 10% of the possible minutes for the team throughout the season, or does not have the right to train with the team, but in in this case, the player must wait until the end of the season to terminate the contract. For a just mathematical reason. “

And he continued: “Any case of unilateral termination of the contract depends on the evaluation of the situation by the Chamber of Dispute Resolution of the International Federation, and it is possible that the player will be sanctioned with suspension for a period of up to 6 months if the contract is terminated and there is no just sporting reason, and also his new club will be subject to sanction and fine. “

And he continued: “The compensation that the player receives also in the event that the Dispute Settlement Chamber confirms his eligibility to terminate the contract, may be calculated based on the difference between the salary he receives at his new club and his salary. with the club that terminated the contract with him. “

He then explained how the player can prepare to provide the appropriate conditions for the termination of the contract: “Of course, the player is in contact with a lawyer, either directly, or through his representative, and the situation is prepared, so that the player formally expresses to his club his dissatisfaction with his position within the club. “
