A press investigation leads Congress to question the world’s richest man


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The Judiciary Committee of the United States House of Representatives summoned Amazon billionaire and head of e-commerce Jeff Bezos to testify after Democrats accused his top staff of lying to Congress.

According to CNBC, the commission’s request came after an investigation by The Wall Street Journal revealed that Amazon employees had used individual, unassembled data related to third-party vendors that cooperated with the company, while reviewing the product’s strategy.

The investigation was based on an interview with more than 20 former company employees and other documents seen by the newspaper. Committee members wrote to Bezos: “If these allegations are accurate, the data Amazon has presented to the committee about the company’s business practices appears to be misleading and possibly false or criminally harmful.”

House of Representatives antitrust president David Cecilin said last week that the report showed Amazon “may have lied to Congress” in its earlier testimony before the committee.

At a hearing last July, the company’s associate attorney general, Nate Sutton, said “Amazon” does not use individual data from each vendor to clarify its strategy.

Bezos, who is the world’s richest man with a fortune of $ 149 billion, will not be the only CEO of one of the four big technology companies: Amazon, Apple, Google and Facebook, which is being questioned before Congress.

The company faced scrutiny last year when lawmakers and regulators assessed privacy and dominance issues among tech companies.

Bloomberg said he is currently facing an investigation by the antitrust subcommittee of the House of Representatives, a division of the Judicial Committee, and an investigation by the Federal Trade Commission.
