Global health warns of inevitable second wave of Corona pandemic


Global health warns of inevitable second wave of Corona pandemic



SARS-CoV-2 virus.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned of an inevitable second wave of the emerging Corona Virus pandemic, stressing that the world will not be able to avoid this scenario before the vaccine is developed, but may limit its severity.

“This virus is completely new and its immunity is available to very few people, and for this reason we cannot say that we can thwart the second wave,” explained Melita Vosnovich, representative of the World Health Organization in Russia, in an interview with the agency “TASS” on Thursday. Even the development of special prevention and vaccination especially “.

Voinovich indicated that the experience of fighting the first wave of the pandemic should be used to prevent the rapid spread of infection during the second wave.

She continued: “We hope that the health crisis and epidemiological health monitoring can work together to discover small foci and monitor the communication networks of the wounded.”

He stressed the need to focus on limiting communication between people, noting that exploiting the information to be obtained will allow a low level of spread of the disease until it becomes clear how the immune system is developing.

As the representative of the World Health Organization stated, during her participation in a meeting of the State Duma of the Russian Parliament: “It must be understood that the virus is not being withdrawn anywhere, and the second jump may occur after the people relax, but the extent of this wave will depend on the response of the health system. ”

Since January 2020, the world has faced a deteriorating crisis caused by the outbreak of the newly created Corona virus “COVID-19”, which has caused huge losses in many sectors of the economy, especially transportation, tourism and entertainment, the collapse of world trade and the acceleration of the decline in energy markets.

On March 11, the World Health Organization classified a new coronavirus infection, a public pandemic, and has recorded more than 3.2 million cases of this strain in almost 180 countries worldwide, including 228,000 deaths and 1 million cures.

Source: Agencies
