New decisions of the Ministry of the Interior … Know the dates and steps to obtain the DNI


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To facilitate the issuance of the national identity card of citizens, the Ministry of the Interior issued several new decisions, which included the extension of the working day in some civil status registries in Cairo and the governorates until 9:00 p.m. the opening of new offices in some shopping malls with appointments.

And the Interior Ministry announced that work will continue throughout the week, including Friday, on a large number of civil status records to make it easier for citizens.

Al-Masry Al-Youm continues to serve its readers by providing the prices of the national identification form, the steps to extract it and the working hours in the civil registries.

2021 ID card application form prices

There are 3 types of forms of national numbers, whose prices vary according to the period determined for the receipt of the card, namely: –

1- The distinctive form of EGP 170 allows its owner to receive the identification card after only 24 hours.

2- The urgent form for 120 pounds, by means of which the card is received 3 days after the date of its delivery in the civil registry.

-3- The normal form is only for EGP 45. The card is received 15 days from the date of delivery.

The necessary papers to obtain the DNI

1- Purchase of the form in the civil registry.

2- Present an official document that certifies the profession and place of residence.

Conditions for obtaining the civil registration card

1- The applicant must be Egyptian.

2- The applicant’s age to obtain the card must not be less than 16 years old.

3- The applicant is required to have a declaration of birth in the civil registry.

The Ministry of the Interior has warned of 4 fines to which an applicant is subject to obtain a DNI, namely: –

1- Delay in obtaining the card 6 months after the young person turns 16, he will be obliged to pay a fine of 100 pounds.

2- Fine of 50 pounds to be paid by the applicant for obtaining the DNI if it is proven that he processed the old DNI after its expiration date.

3-50 pounds is a fine that is also paid in the event that the card is not renewed after 7 years of expiration.

National in 24 hours

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