A MP reveals the secret of the nation’s future moves to amend the real estate registration law


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Representative Hisham Hussein, secretary of the House Committee on Suggestions and Complaints, said the issue of the real estate registration law and subsequent amendments by adding Article 35 bis requires a broader dialogue and discussion to facilitate that the citizen registers his real estate rights and preserves the right of the state to complete the real estate registration system.

In a statement issued on Friday, the deputy praised the actions of the government and the parliamentary majority in the Chamber of Deputies regarding what was raised by citizens in the last period through social networks, responding to proposals for discussion and dialogue and initiating any legislative amendment. that overcomes these complaints and the state of anger and rejection that accompanied the launch of the app in March.

The Secretary of the Suggestions and Complaints Commission pointed out that in order to achieve a satisfactory result for all parties in this problem, a comprehensive community dialogue is needed in the corridors of parliament, in which all interested parties and also citizens participate to approve the amendments that achieve the citizen interest of the citizen through the appropriate mitigation measures without exaggerated charges and also a different environment for the registration in the real estate month and a plan to develop its offices nationwide.

The MP stressed that the exaggerated fees stipulated in registration matters, such as the property tax set at 2.5% and also the fees required of the Bar Association estimated at 1%, should be reviewed, and said: “It is not reasonable that the resources of any of the unions are on the shoulders of the citizens in light of these conditions.

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