Home Sport | New request for dissolution of the Zamalek City Council. Surprises to Mortada Mansour in the case of his suspension


4:05 PM | Sunday 03 January 2021

New request for dissolution of the Zamalek City Council.  Surprises to Mortada Mansour in the case of his suspension

Mortada Mansour, president of the isolated Zamalek club

Mortada Mansour, president of the “isolated” Zamalek, received two new surprises, during the judicial session, in the consideration of the appeal against the decision of Dr. Ashraf Sobhi, Minister of Youth and Sports to suspend him and members of his board , and transfer the violations that were monitored by the Financial Inspection Committee of the Ministry to the Attorney General. The decision and the return to the presidency of the Zamalek Club, and the Administrative Litigation Court set February 7 as the date to pronounce on the appeal.

The first surprise was the presence of Dr. Kamal Shuaib, lawyer for Mamdouh Abbas, former president of the club, and the lawyer for Hani Shukri, a former member of the board of directors, who carried out an offensive intervention in solidarity with the decision of the Minister of Youth and Sports, and delivered a series of requests to the court, confirming the minister’s decision to suspend Mortada Mansour from office and remove Mortada Mansour. Until the investigation of the financial irregularities identified by the inspection committee, which exceeded one billion pounds.

Surprises for Murtaza Mansour on the pitch

The second surprise was the presence of a lawyer representing Dr. Mustafa Abdel Khaleq, former member of the Zamalek Council, who requested a joint intervention with Mortada Mansour and requested the annulment of the minister’s decision, which he described in his request as ” negative “, and asked to force the minister to dissolve the council instead of the decision issued to suspend it.

The Administrative Court had decided to take the case to trial in session on February 7, to determine the fate of Mortada Mansour and her council, after the Minister of Youth and Sports decided to remove the council from the rule of the White Club, and appoint a temporary committee for the management of the club composed of three advisers, in accordance with the provisions of the regulations. With the referral of the violations to the Public Ministry, who in turn decided to refer the violations to the Public Funds Prosecutor’s Office.

Shocking decisions for the isolated president of Zamalek

It should be noted that the ousted president of Zamalek received several blows during the recent period, represented in his failure in the elections to the House of Representatives that were held last November, and after the decision was issued to remove him from the presidency of Zamalek, and his parliamentary immunity will be lifted after the ninth day of January, and more than one person advanced reports against him that were not considered before due to his protection of parliamentary immunity.
