FilGoal | News | Mukhtar: I wish Pyramids players were better than that … Football is so unfair


Military production manager Mukhtar Mukhtar said he had wished the Pyramids players were “better than that”, without explaining his intention, after his team lost 3-2 to the league’s two teams. And in his statements after the confrontation on the channel “Ontime Sports 2”.

Mukhtar Mukhtar said: “The players did an honorable performance, but unfortunately the ball did not serve us in the end with our simple mistakes and anything is possible.”

And he continued: “It is normal that you cry because of the way you lost after the terrible effort we made.”

And he continued: “The dismissal of Mamadou Nias affected the team a lot, after that there was a problem. Mohamed Vieira had to be removed. We started playing in one direction at a very difficult time and there are a lot of injuries that we have and I wish the Pyramids players had something better than that, sportsmanship? They are not, but I will not say, sadly, I was hoping they were better than that. “

Mamadou Nias, the production player, was fired after a heavy intervention against Pyramids defender Ahmed Sami in the 70th minute after reviewing the video referee’s technique.

The military production coach went on to say: “Soccer is a gain and a loss. I feel very sad about the way we lost this image of Pyramids.”

And he added: “Soccer is very, very, very unfair. There are many things that I cannot speak about, but praise God for whatever it is.”

“I can’t talk about referees, but things could have gone better this way,” he said.

And he continued: “A winning team and a losing team, it does not help in any way to sympathize with the loser, even when there are injuries that keep the game going? When there are injuries and you demand that they continue playing? This is the opposite of sportsmanship , The matter can be of the players but of the referee? Not the referee? “. A player cannot sympathize with the loss because the winning team has an injured player. “

And he continued: “It is clear from experience if he was injured or represented. There are players who do that in the league, but Moaz feels an unnatural fatigue and the game continues and does not stop.”

And he added: “Sympathy in this way is very bad, the referee must be balanced, and the most important thing is the safety of the players. When a player is represented it is clear, but when there is an injured player, it is useless to try to that way and the effect of that on us, and thank God for everything. “

“Regardless of the last period of the match after Nias was sent off, which was very early, and even after Wadih was sent off, Moaz Al-Hennawi was out of the stadium,” he added.

He concluded: “We had a great performance even in opportunities, and if we took advantage of them, the result would be better than that.”

Entag El Harby lost 3-2 to Pyramids in the fifth round of the Egyptian Premier League on Friday night.

The match saw the expulsion of Mahmoud Wadi, the Pyramids striker, in the 89th minute, after a strong intervention against Moaz Al-Hinnawi, the production defender, and a review of the technique of the video referee.
