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The new tripartite committee in charge of the management of the Football Association decided to start the procedures for the return of the Egyptian youth team from Tunisia after not being able to participate in the North African Championship due to the outbreak of the Corona virus among the players.

The Egyptian Football Association issued an official statement announcing that the Egyptian Sports Ministry would provide a special aircraft and medical equipment to return the Tunisian youth team, in order to preserve the safety of the players.

The Football Association also revealed the formation of an investigation committee to explain the reasons that led to the youth national team not participating in the best way in the tournament, provided that the investigation committee is formed as follows:

Hussein Helmy, legal adviser of the federation in the legal aspect, and Muhammad Sultan, head of the medical committee of the federation from the medical point of view, Alaa Abdul Aziz in the technical aspect and Mustafa Azzam as rapporteur of the committee, the committee may seek the help of whoever considers necessary to fulfill its mission.

The statement of the Football Association was as follows:

The complete history

The swab that the Egyptian youth team underwent three days before the game in Libya, showed 16 cases infected by Coronavirus, in addition to Rabie Yassin, the team’s coach.

Given this fact, the Egyptian team was considered withdrawn against Libya in the first round of the North African U-20 Championship, which qualified for the 2021 Youth African Cup in Mauritania.

The Confederation of African Football Confederation (CAF) for the combined tournaments of the 2020/2021 season says that the minimum limit for any team to play a match is 15 players, including a goalkeeper, and this is not available in the national team Egyptian.

Here, the youth team decided to call in players from Egypt to fill in the number and play the rest of the tournament matches, hoping to qualify.

The two new players, Mustafa “Messi”, the Ceramica Cleopatra player, and Ahmed Hossam, the El Gouna player, arrived in Tunisia on Thursday morning, accompanied by a small delegation that also includes Mohamed Abu El-Ela, first doctor of the Egyptian team, and Mohamed Mahmoud, physiotherapist, to supervise the treatment of the wounded.

But the happy news stopped here, after Walid Maher, a spokesman for the youth team, announced the emergence of Tunisia’s new match result, which showed a positive display of new players from the existing strength in Tunisia from scratch, so that the situation returns to how it was and the number ready to face is only 14 players. What prevents the party.

Today Friday morning, the Egypt team revealed the negativity of the Egyptian team players and, therefore, the possibility of celebrating the match. But the problem is that the last swab fell outside the official framework, so the medical committee’s approval must be obtained to approve the swab results and hold the meeting.

After full consultations, the CAF decided to cancel the match and consider the Egyptian team a 2-0 loss to Tunisia.

Last night, Friday, the Egyptian Football Association announced that it had submitted a formal request to the Confederation of African Football (CAF) to restart the match, before the federation decided this Saturday morning to return the mission to Egypt.
