FilGoal | News | Youth team: We will protest the result of the Tunisia match … and consult to make a final decision on the tournament.


Gamal Mohamed Ali, head of mission for the Egyptian youth team, said the Football Association will protest against the cancellation of its match against Tunisia and stressed that after consulting all officials, a final decision regarding the tournament will be made.

“Ten minutes before the start of the match, they told us that they did not recognize Ahmed Nabil’s presence and they deleted him,” Jamal Mohamed Ali said on the “Tunisian National” channel.

And he continued, “How is that? What about you before he was there?”

He continued: “Hamza did the KAF swab, but it was late and it’s in his negative file.”

And he continued: “Of course, we are going to protest the cancellation of the match, and I informed the match observer and the chief medical officer who was present with Ahmed Nabil’s negative stain, and we tested everything with the referees. So we are surprised that the game has been played, due to the fact that their cards were not ready. “

“The Egyptian team is very good and promising, we care about their health first, more important than the tournament itself, no matter who wins, but the young people who play their first official tournament in their lives, we were hoping to celebrate the match. “.

“When we return to the hotel, we will consult with all officials to decide the tournament,” he added.

Walid Al-Attar, Executive Director of the Egyptian Federation, stated “The Egyptian Federation will present an official protest in a matter of minutes through the mission led by Gamal Mohamed Ali to the African Union, for not embracing Ahmed Nabil’s streak despite his negativity, and we are considered losers in the party of Tunisia despite having enough players. “

On the current position, he added: “The Football Association is studying the situation now in coordination with the mission, the coaching staff and the Ministry of Youth and Sports, and we will decide whether the team will return or complete the tournament, especially since the situation It has become very difficult after being considered losers in the first two games. “

The Egyptian team was considered a 2-0 defeat due to insufficient strength to compete with the Tunisian team in the second round of the North African qualifying tournament for the African Youth Cup in Mauritania. (See details)
