Shatta: I ask Abu Raida to intervene to solve the youth crisis with Kaf


Abdel Moneim Shata, former chairman of the Football Development Committee of the African Football Confederation, criticized the decision as “enough” to consider that the Egyptian youth team withdraws against its Libyan counterpart in the North African Championship, due to to Corona’s injuries that hit the team’s ranks.

Shatta said, in televised remarks to the “On My Responsibility” program on the “Sada Al Balad” channel today Tuesday, “I see that enough regulations regarding competition are unfair. We can play with 11 players and I shouldn’t be required to include 15 players on the list. “

He added: “I do not understand the position of the African Union and I support the cancellation of the tournament. Several other tournaments, such as the Olympics and others, have been postponed, and it was possible to postpone the North African Championship to next year, or cancel. the 2021 African Cup of Nations in Mauritania from scratch. “

He continued: “I do not know why the African Union did not think of postponing the match for a week, but it is inexperienced and it is not appropriate for young people to lead it, and there are those who handle it with courtesy and have discharged experience, and it has breached the regulation and is detailed on a whim “.

He explained: “I see that everyone is responsible for this crisis, be it the African Football Confederation (CAF), the Egyptian Federation and the North African Federation as well, but the African Union Competitions Committee is responsible for taking this. reckless decision. “

He stressed that “going to the International Football Association (FIFA) is not going to solve the crisis with the African Union, because it is an internal matter that concerns the continent’s competition commissions.”

The former president of the Football Development Committee concluded with “CAF”, saying: “I ask for the need for Hani Abu Raida to intervene in his capacity as a member of the executive office of the African Football Confederation to resolve the crisis with CAF, on all because we are in an emergency situation like wars and earthquakes. “

And the Egyptian Ministry of Youth and Sports announced the dispatch of a special plane to Tunisia to return all members of the Egyptian youth team.

However, several of the juniors announced through their accounts on “Instagram” their refusal to return to Egypt and affirmed their desire to continue, and published a unified message in which they said: “We will not return, we will complete the North African Championship and climb This is our decision and not anyone’s decision. “

It should be noted that 13 players of the Egyptian youth team, in addition to technical director Rabie Yassin, were infected with the Corona virus while they were in Tunisia to participate in the North African qualifying tournament for the African Cup of Nations, to be played in Mauritania in 2021 .
