Home Sport | An official warning from Bin Sharqi to Zamalek for 12 million pounds


11:32 AM | Tuesday 15 December 2020

An official warning from Bin Sharqi to Zamalek for 12 million pounds

Ashraf bin Sharqi

A source from the Zamalek Club first soccer team revealed that Moroccan Ashraf Bin Sharqi, the team’s playmaker, had sent an official warning to the Zamalek Club, in recent days, due to his late payments. The source stressed, during statements to “Al Watan Sport”, that Bin Sharqi has $ 750,000 in arrears with the club, and the source indicated that Bin Sharqi resorted to this step to ensure the collection of his fees, especially because the Previous tip promised a lot to give you these fees, but they didn’t deliver on their promises.

According to a source, the temporary committee that currently runs the club was surprised by an official notice that reached the club on December 10, asking the player for his long-overdue fees, and the previous council had not paid them, which was suspended. , and that the player sent the same notice to the Football Association, in preparation to terminate his contract and leave, according to the Tunisian route. Hamdi Al-Naqaz, who left the team and left earlier.

The source noted that the Bin Sharqi crisis comes within a handful of crises that surprised the temporary committee, the executive committee and the soccer committee, which currently run the Zamalek club.

It is noteworthy that the Minister of Youth and Sports had decided to suspend the Zamalek Council headed by Mortada Mansour due to the violations that were monitored by the inspection committee of the ministry and the Central Audit Organization, pending the conclusion of the prosecution’s investigations. about those violations, and a committee consisting of 3 consultants was assigned to manage the club, and the committee appointed a group Among the committees, including the Executive and the Soccer Committee, to help it manage the various files of the club.

Bin Sharqi re-forms the main Zamalek facing the Pyramids

While the Portuguese coach, Jimmy Pacheco, coach of Zamalek, opted for the return of Moroccan Ashraf Bin Sharqi to the basic formation of the team, facing the next Pyramids, which will be played at 7:30 p.m. next Thursday, in the second day of the league competition, especially that the player participated as a substitute in the last contractors match. Instead of Mahmoud Shikabala.

Zamalek beats youth friendly 99 by five

The first soccer team won Zamalek, friendly with the youth team, born in 99, by five clean.

Omar Al-Saeed, the team’s forward, opened the goals with a strong shot from outside the box that landed in Jensh’s nets to the left of the goal, and then Hussein Faysal scored the second goal with a powerful left-foot shot. .

Youssef Obama scored the third goal after returning from injury, with a shot to the sole of the foot from inside the area, then Mustafa Fathi added the fourth goal, followed by Karim Bambo, the fifth goal.

Zamalek’s coaching staff assured the availability of some elements, such as Omar Al-Saeed, Youssef Ibrahim Obama and Muhammad Ashraf Roqa, after returning from an injury, and confirmed their medical preparation for the team’s next matches.
