Heavy penalties after “wrestling match” … a fine, cancellation and warning


The Board of Directors adopted the Olympic Committee headed by engineer Hisham Hatab. The Memorandum Committee assesses the Olympic Committee on the incident and the events of the Olympic Wrestling Center in Maadi, and the recommendations contained therein and the sanctions, namely:

Samar Hamza was fined 50,000 pounds for the charges attributed to him, Mamdouh Faraj, the women’s wrestling coach, was suspended for two years and fined 30,000 pounds, and Ahmed Mamdouh Farag was suspended for one year and fined 20 thousand pounds.

As has been ruled out, Mamdouh Farag’s records from Islam Wrestling Federation, and blaming the Wrestling Federation board of directors for what I received from the Commission of Inquiry to shorten it and clear the camp and the various elements.

The Board of Directors of the Olympic Committee added to the Memorandum of the Securities Committee, issue a final warning to the Board of Directors of the Federation of Wrestling to repeat the facts of deviations from the text and clashes.

The Olympic Committee headed by engineer Hisham moved firewood hours after the incident, and the following day held a session with the incident in the presence of representatives of the parties before the Ministry of Youth and Sports and all the parties to the facts, and sent the matter to the Ethics Committee, headed by engineer Yasser Idris.

And that after suspending all those involved until the end of the investigations, and the investigating judge, the Counselor, Ahmed Hafez, took over the investigation with everyone, so that the Securities Committee concluded its recommendations, and then the The Olympic Council approved it after backing it with a warning from the Wrestling Federation.

The crisis occurred last week at the Maadi Olympic Center, where the wrestling team’s camp turned into a major dispute between all parties that required police intervention.
