Which is better … the Modern or Pfizer vaccine to stop Corona’s march on humanity?


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After the American company Moderna announced the effectiveness of its new vaccine in preventing the emerging corona virus, it becomes the second vaccine to be released a week after the American company “Pfizer” and German “Biontech” announced the effectiveness of its vaccine, but despite this, a number of challenges remain. Ensure vaccines are distributed.

The frantic race between scientists and pharmaceutical companies to find an antonviravirus vaccine is paying off, as preliminary results from the vaccine company Moderna showed an effectiveness of 94.5% in protecting against the Corona virus that causes Covid-19 , a week after a similar announcement from Pfizer and Biotank about the effectiveness. His vaccination increased by more than 90%., According to “Sky News”.

From a scientific point of view, the two vaccines have a very similar mechanism of action, while the two differ from the predominant patterns followed by the usual vaccines.

It used to be that the vaccine consisted mainly of weak or inactivated viruses or parts of the virus that do not cause disease to the body, but only inform the body of the disease and stimulate it to produce antibodies that remain inside it for life and defend it against this virus in the future.

It is this protein, which gives the Corona virus its distinctive coronavirus form, that helps the microorganism adhere to human cells in the early stages of the disease.

Once this foreign protein is produced in the body, the immune system tricks the presence of the virus and begins to produce antibodies, as if the person is already sick.

This method is similar to how the “Pfizer” and “Biontech” vaccines work.

As for the Moderna vaccine, it takes a different approach, as it consists of small pieces of mRNA that stimulate the body to produce the protein on the surface of the emerging corona virus.

Among the good news, Moderna vaccine can be stored in regular coolers for 6 months and for a month in refrigerators without losing its effectiveness, unlike the other vaccine, which must be stored at extremely cold temperatures of minus 70 degrees.

In terms of production and manufacturing, the US government allocated $ 2.5 billion to Moderna to support research, testing, and purchase of at least 100 million doses of the vaccine, while the company aims to produce $ 20 million. doses this year, all of which will go to the United States.

On the other hand, Pfizer agreed to sell at least 1.1 billion doses of its vaccine to the United States, Europe and Canada, along with Japan and Great Britain, and this is approximately 1.3 billion doses that the company intends to produce by the end of 2021.

Despite this advance in the race to face the epidemic, the risks are still facing the world, in an investigation by the Institute of Global Health at Duke University, revealed that there may not be enough doses to cover the entire population worldwide until 2024.

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