Artist Fayek Azab was infected with a rare virus … and transferred to intensive care


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The artist, Fayek Azab, was infected with a rare disease called “MRSA,” for which a treatment has not yet been discovered, according to film critic Mohdi El-Tayeb, who is infected with the Coronavirus after joining the jury in the El Gouna Film Festival.

Majdi Al-Tayyib said on Facebook on Wednesday: “Live among us, do not ignore their history and remember what they gave us. A few steps from me, and when I asked him what Corona had infected him, I learned, with a surprise that I had never thought about, that he had a disease called Marsa.

He added: “In researching this strange disease, I learned that it is a type of germ that does not respond to antibiotic treatment, and medical advances have shown some types of antibiotics to help treat it. Close some schools and reduce meetings, in a way that is completely close to what the world is witnessing in light of the Corona pandemic.

He continued: ‘Bacterial infection with Mars disease is often transmitted when people are admitted to the hospital or various treatment units, such as dialysis centers or cardiac units. As for the symptoms of the disease; It includes infection on the surface of the skin, accompanied by severe pain, swelling, redness, and pus-filled, and accompanied by an increase in body temperature. And these bacteria on the skin can turn into an abscess and need to be treated by surgery, otherwise the person is exposed to danger and causes heart and lung problems as a result of the accumulation of pus in the body.

He concluded: “As we see, the methods to prevent Marsa disease are almost similar to the methods to prevent coronavirus. May God heal and protect you, our almighty artist, to come back and reverberate with your distinctive voice and gigantic performance. “

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