An “unusual situation” … US television networks cut Trump’s speech … (video)


Several US television networks cut off the direct transmission of President Donald Trump’s speech from the White House on Thursday night because it contained “a torrent of lies” about the integrity of the elections.

While the vote counting is still ongoing in a number of key states where the outcome has yet to be decided, Trump accused his Democratic opponents of trying to “steal” the election, without providing any evidence of this or mentioning any specific incident that supports this allegation.
The outgoing Republican president told reporters: “If you count the legitimate votes, I win easily … If you count the illegal votes, they can try to steal our elections.”

The Republican president, who is headed by former Democratic Vice President Joe Biden, according to the results published to date, added that his election campaign presented a “massive number of lawsuits” to confront the “corruption” of the Democrats, an accusation that runs counter to fact that many officials of the states involved with these complaints confirmed. The integrity of the electoral process in their states.

And Trump considered that “despite the unprecedented interference in the elections by the mainstream media, the business world and the technological giants, we won historical figures and the polls were deliberately wrong.”

The Republican billionaire stressed that “the blue wave they announced did not happen”, referring to what many pre-election polls predicted that Democrats who use the color blue as their slogan will win a landslide victory in the election.

In his speech, Trump elaborated the allegations and allegations of corruption without providing any evidence of any of them, saying: “We cannot allow anyone to silence our voters and manufacture results.”

He added: “I think the judiciary should rule on the matter at the end.”

MSNBS interrupts direct broadcast of word Trump

Cut transmission

And MSNBS immediately cut off direct transmission of Trump’s speech, with a major broadcaster commenting that it was unusual.
Presenter Brian Williams said, “Well here we are once again in an unusual position … We not only have to stop reporting the statement of the President of the United States, but also correct what the President of the United States says. .
Soon, the channel (NBC News) and (ABC News) caught up with the channel, cutting off the direct broadcast of the facts of what the White House said would be a press conference before it became clear that it was about a speech delivered by Trump, and as soon as it was over, he quickly left the room without answering a question.

Party of lies

CNN, which reported the entire presidential statement, described it as a “party of lies.”
“What a sad night for America to hear its president falsely accuse people of trying to steal the election,” said announcer Jake Taber, one of the stars of the station, as soon as Trump finished speaking.
Tapper described the president’s statement as a “party of lies” and said the Republican billionaire “stalked the lie behind the lie about stealing the election without providing any evidence” for it.

(CNN) released the statement in its entirety, calling it a “party of lies.”

The outgoing president finds himself increasingly isolated within his Republican camp in his battle against “fraud and fraud,” which many consider an imaginary battle, at a time when GOP leaders remain silent, awaiting the end. of the vote count in the remaining states and the publication of the results.
