The first image of the Turkish cartoonist “Erdil Yasaroglu” insulting the prophets.


The Seventh Day publishes the first image of the Turkish cartoonist Erdel Yasaroglu, who abuses the prophets and whose offensive cartoons provoked the feelings of Muslims around the world.

At a time when the Ottoman dictator, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, is establishing himself as the protector of the Islamic religion from the point of view of the media and raising his collapsed popularity in Turkey, through his calls to boycotting French products, this dictator forgot that his press provokes Muslim sentiments and publishes offensive cartoons for the prophets..

WhatsApp Image 2020-11-01 at 2.00.38 AM

And the Turkish painter, “Ardal Yasar Oglu”, published in the magazine “Komikaza” of the Turkish telecommunications company supervised by the Turkish government led by the Justice and Development Party, a collection of insulting drawings of God Noah, in which he He made fun of the construction of the ship that God ordered him to build, in addition to taking many animals. That painter made fun of the animal collection, and even directed his insults to the prophet Noah, peace be upon him..

The Turkish cartoons insulting the Prophet of God Noah also included ugly words and incarnations of him and sexual conversations between the animals carried by the ship, but the matter came to a hadeeth of the Prophet of Noah with crude words that he could not publish in any media from a Muslim country, except in the Turkish media..

The insulting caricatures of God, the Prophet of God, Moses, peace be upon him, the owner of the miracle of the stick that split the Red Sea in two halves, where the painter made fun of Moses’ wand, writing in the colloquial language Turk, describing the stick that can cut anything on the face of the earth..

The cartoons of the prophets caused a sensation in Turkey, as the Turks criticized the publication of the cartoons in the Turkish media loyal to the Ottoman dictator, considering that what Erdogan did and neglected in publishing the cartoons as a clear insult to Islam, and that Turkey showed its true face in support of secularism.
