France: The Avignon incident is not a terrorist act. Arab and Islamic Condemnations of the Nice Attack


The French government announced that the incident in the southern city of Avignon will not be investigated as a terrorist attack, unlike its view of the stabbing incident in Nice (southeast), which occurred hours earlier.

The French attorney general, Philippe Guemas, stated that the suspect, who was shot and killed by police Como did not lay down his arms, was wearing a jacket with the words Defending Europe, which belongs to the far-right identity movement.

The statement by the attorney general indicated that the attacker, of North African descent, suffered from a psychological problem and therefore the incident would not be investigated as a terrorist attack.

In the first moments of the incident, the main media of the country wrote that the attacker threatened passersby with a large knife, saying that God is great, but the prosecutor said: The attacker was a white Frenchman in his thirties, wearing a jacket right-wing extremist identity movement and certainly did not cry out God is great.

While the attorney general has not provided any information on the identity of the attacker after these statements, President Emmanuel Macron has not made any statement on this attack.

On the other hand, a person who was attacked confirmed that the person who pointed the knife at him was wearing the clothes of the Yemeni extremist identity movement, indicating that he gave the Nazi salute before pointing the weapon at him.

The mayor of the French city of Nice called the incident a terrorist (Reuters)
Arab and Islamic convictions

Islamic institutions and Arab countries condemned the stabbing incident in Nice.

وقال International Union of Muslim ScholarsIt condemns and denounces this heinous and barbaric crime, regardless of its perpetrator, whatever its motives and objectives, according to a statement from its Secretary General Ali Al-Qaradaghi and its President, Ahmed Raissouni.

The union added that it affirms once again the innocence of Islam and the nation of Islam from this criminal act, and that true Islam, embodied in ordinary Muslims and their scholars and institutions, regards such actions as strictly prohibited and deviating from the principles, values ​​and rules of Islam.

As confirmed Al-azharIn a statement on behalf of his Sheikh Ahmed Al-Tayeb, condemning the terrorist attack with vehemence and hatred, which took place on Thursday morning, near the Notre Dame church in Nice.

Al-Tayyib added: There is no justification for those hateful terrorist acts that are inconsistent with the tolerant teachings of Islam and all monotheistic religions.

و .عربت General Secretariat of the Council of Senior Researchers of Saudi Arabia His strong condemnation of the terrorist attack that took place near Notre Dame.

The secretariat clarified, in a statement, that terrorism is condemned regardless of its origin and under any pretext, and that the duty of the wise is to invoke what conveys the spirit of tolerance and constructive cooperation in the world.

وحذر The Sunni Endowment Office in Iraq (Official and linked to the Council of Ministers), against the escalation of violence and hate speech worldwide, while at the same time condemning the stabbing incident in France.

The head of the court, Saad Kampash, said in a statement that the Sunni Endowment Office warns of escalating violence and hate speech, expressing its strong condemnation of the heinous terror attack that took place Thursday morning near the church. of Notre Dame.

و .عربت QatarIn a statement issued by its Ministry of Foreign Affairs, about its strong condemnation and denunciation of the stabbing incident that occurred inside a church in the French city of Nice, which resulted in deaths and injuries.

The statement reiterated the firm position of the State of Qatar on the rejection of violence and terrorism, whatever the motives and reasons, highlighting the total rejection of the State of Qatar to attack places of worship and terrorize the safe.

An image of the scene of the accident in the vicinity of the church “Notre Dame” in the center of the French city of Nice (Reuters)

Well condemned Jordan The stabbing incident, and the spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Dhaif Allah Al-Fayez, confirmed in a statement the kingdom’s condemnation and denunciation of this terrorist crime.

Al-Fayez denounced all forms of violence and terrorism that target everyone without discrimination, aim to destabilize security and stability and are incompatible with religious and humanitarian values ​​and principles.

As the head said The Lebanese government Appointed Saad Hariri: Strongly condemn and denounce the heinous criminal attack on the church of Notre Dame.

Hariri added, via Twitter: Terrorism has no religion, and all Muslims are called to reject this criminal act that does not belong to Islam or the Prophet of love, in memory of his honorable birth, with any religious, moral and human connection.

و .عربت TunisiaOn his strong condemnation of the terrorist act, which took place in Nice, France, warning against its use to link terrorism with religions.

And Tunisia warned, in a statement, of the consequences of going ahead with the ideological and political use of sacred things and religions and linking them to terrorism.

Condemned ministry Libyan Ministry of Foreign AffairsThe attack that took place in Nice, and he offered his condolences to the families of those who died in this attack.

The ministry confirmed through a tweet that there is no justification for killing innocent people or violence against them, especially in a place of worship, and for their rejection of all kinds of terrorism and violence.

وأدان Morocco, West, sunsetThe attack on the church of Notre Dame, and expressed his solidarity and condolence with the victims and their families, according to a statement from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans living abroad.

The statement affirmed that the Kingdom of Morocco asks to overcome the negative context and the tense climate around religion, and urges the different parties to demonstrate the spirit of moderation, wisdom and respect for the other.

She also said Kuwait On his strong condemnation and denunciation of the atrocious terrorist crime that took place today, Thursday, in Nice, France.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs affirmed, in a declaration, the firm and principled position of the State of Kuwait against all forms of terrorism, extremism and violence that all divine religions and human values ​​reject and are criminalized by international laws and norms. .

And condemned the Kingdom of Chancery the two seasThe attack on the church of Notre Dame and confirmed the solidarity of the Kingdom with the friendly French Republic.

In a statement, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterated the firm position of the Kingdom of Bahrain to reject all forms of violence, extremism and terrorism, regardless of their motives or justifications, which are incompatible with all human values ​​and principles.

Also condemned To whoThe heinous terrorist attack that killed three Frenchmen, in Nice, France.

In a statement, Yemen’s Foreign Ministry said that these criminal acts have nothing to do with any religion, and are considered criminal and unusual behavior in all divine laws and laws, and are completely inconsistent with the values ​​of the true Islamic religion.

French police cordon off attack site in Nice (Reuters)
Good attack

Early Thursday, French police said a knife attack targeted the Notre Dame church in central Nice, resulting in 3 deaths, including two who died inside the church, and another when he tried to flee abroad, according to the local BFM network.

The French National Antiterrorist Prosecutor’s Office announced the opening of an investigation into the case of the stabbing, as an assassination attempt linked to a terrorist institution.

Nice Mayor Christian Estrosi hinted, in a televised statement, that the incident was linked to Islam, saying that the attacker (who was arrested) repeatedly yelled God Akbar after police beat him.

Macron described the incident as an Islamist terrorist attack and expressed his solidarity with his country’s Catholics.

In recent days, France has witnessed the publication of insulting images and cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, through the media, and exhibits them on the facades of some buildings, which It unleashed a wave of anger across the Islamic world.

On October 21, French President Emmanuel Macron said his country would not abandon the cartoons, which doubled the wave of anger in the Islamic world, and campaigns were launched in some countries to boycott French goods and products.
