The death of the writer Samia Zine El Abidine, member of the National Press Authority – Sada El-Bald


  1. The death of the writer Samia Zine El Abidine, member of the National Press Authority, Sada El-Bald
  2. The death of journalist Samia Zain Al-Abidin, wife of the martyr Adel Rajaei Al Masry Al Youm – Al-Masry Al-Youm
  3. The death of Samia Zain al-Abidin, member of the National Press and wife of the martyr Major General Adel Rajaei, Al-Ahram Gate
  4. The death of Samia Zine El Abidine, widow of the martyr Adel Rajai and member of the “National Press” Masrawy
  5. The death of Samia Zine El Abidine, member of the National Press Authority and wife of the martyr Adel Rajai, Gate Vito
  6. See full news coverage on Google News