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Automatic teller machines (ATMs) on Thursday night saw a large crowd of employees and retirees in Cairo and Giza to pay their salaries, especially the machines of the National Bank and Banque Misr.
Many confirmed that they roamed many of the drainage machines in the main streets and squares, but were surprised to see them empty, especially in the main streets and squares, including Ataba, Ramses, Ambulancia, Tahrir and Giza, in addition to the machines designated in metro stations.
And stained “Egyptian today” Many citizens, including employees, the elderly and women, lined up in front of the ATMs on Al-Qasr Al-Aini, Al-Mobtadien, Ms. Zeinab and Cairo University Street.
Ahmed Khalil, an employee, said: “I went to collect my salary at the Giza subway ATM, but found the machine empty. When I went to the Cairo University subway, I found a long line of employees waiting for their salaries, and when my turn came, I found the machine empty. “
Ola Ghanem, a teacher, said: “I went into more than one machine, either for the National Bank or Egypt, on the Ministry of Education street and on the Saad Zaghloul and Tahrir station metro, but I found all the machines empty, so I had to go to the Ramsés station, but I also found them without money until I found a machine on Ramsés street, but I waited in the long line. “
Optometrist Ahmed Rabie shared with him, saying: “Circumstances forced me to finish a job, but the amount I had with me was not enough, so I went to a machine on Al-Qasr Al-Aini street and found the machine empty. and from there to Al-Mobtadien street, but I queued for more than half an hour until I was exhausted.
Nabil Jamil mentioned that he went to more than one machine to dispense his pension in Ataba, Ramses and the ambulance until he found a machine on Qasr al-Nil street.
Although a responsible source in one of the branches of the National Bank confirmed that the bank employees in charge of feeding the machines fed hundreds of machines scattered through the streets, squares and subway stations, but the demand for them was great, especially from the light that employees and retirees paid their wages at the same time.
Employees demanded not to withdraw large sums at once, but they can wait for their salaries to be paid at intervals or over several days so as not to cause a crisis, especially at the end of the month, which sees a large influx of employees and retirees in change machines.
The situation in Egypt