The World Health Organization announces the arrival of the eastern Mediterranean region to a new stage of the Coronavirus


The World Health Organization announces the arrival of the eastern Mediterranean region to a new stage of the Coronavirus


The World Health Organization regional director for the Eastern Mediterranean, Ahmed bin Salem Al-Mandhari, announced this week that the region has reached another important stage, as the number of COVID-19 cases has exceeded two million.

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He continued: “The organization is monitoring developments that remind us once again that we must remain fully vigilant when facing this virus. There are many countries that have managed to control the transmission of the disease a few months ago, including Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan and Lebanon. But now they are witnessing an acceleration in the rate of occurrence of cases. ” “.

Al-Manzari added: “Other countries are experiencing increasing trends, such as Libya, the Palestinian Territories, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates … With the increase in social gatherings and population movement, the resumption of international travel and the continued decline in the levels of mask use, the resurgence of cases throughout the region may become, to some extent, an issue. ” The challenge for all of us is to reduce these measures in a manner and pace that reduces the threat to public health. “

Al-Mandhari explained that it is now more important than ever to protect those who have not yet been infected, especially the most vulnerable.

He noted that in some countries, such as Iraq and Morocco, hospitals are already overloaded and intensive care units have reached their maximum capacity, which can expose those in need of life-saving medical services to serious consequences.

He explained: “The influenza season is also about to begin in many countries of the Region, which may lead to a new peak and an increase in suspected cases of the disease … To reduce the risk of disease transmission in weeks and months ahead, individuals and societies must continue to implement known prevention measures. ” And established, especially in some places like schools and places of social gathering and other public events ”.

Source: Agencies
