On Tuesday, Apple filed a counterclaim against Epic Games, the creator of the “Fortnite” game, demanding compensation for lost fees on the App Store and other damages.
And “Apple” seeks to obtain an order to prevent the game developer from using its in-app payment system.
And it has entered “Apple” and “Epic Games” in a legal battle since August, when the creator of the famous game launched its own in-app payment system to circumvent what it called “Apple’s monopolistic practices.”
The “Apple App Store” requires game developers to use Apple’s payment system and pay a 30 percent commission.
And “Apple” prevented “Epic Gemmise” from having “Epic Gemmise” ability to distribute updates or new applications through the Apple Store, so that Epic would file a lawsuit against Apple, alleging that its practices in the application store violate the antitrust laws.
The court allowed Apple to prevent “Epic” from distributing new versions while the case is being heard, but the current version of “Fortnite” is still in effect, as is the “Epic” payment system.
Apple said it would allow Fortnite to return to its app store if Epic removed the direct payment feature, but the latter refused, saying that complying with that request would represent “collusion with Apple to keep its monopoly of in-app payments in place. the iOS operating system “.
Source: Reuters